XPRES - Excellence in Production Research
The initiative for Excellence in Production Research, XPRES, is a joint initiative between KTH, MDU and Swerea. XPRES was elected as one of two strategic initiatives within Manufacturing engineering in Sweden by the government in 2010.
Projektansvarig vid MDU
Description of the project
The initiative for Excellence in Production Research, XPRES, is a joint initiative between KTH, MDU and Swerea. XPRES was elected as one of two strategic initiatives within Manufacturing engineering in Sweden by the government in 2010. XPRES will establish a long term internationally competitive platform for production research to meet future challenges of world leading Swedish industry. By complementing each others scientific competences and roles, the unique research and education consortium of KTH, MDU and Swerea covers the fields of Production processes, Production systems and Digital engineering. The industrial partners represent world leading Swedish manufacturing industries including: heavy vehicle, machine, component manufacturing and aircraft.