NovaMedTech II
Avsikten med NovaMedTech, del 2, är att skapa förutsättningar för regionen Östra Mellansverige att ta ledningen i den industriella utvecklingen inom ny medicinsk teknik. Satsningen syftar också till att möta framtidens behov av produkter och tjänster inom hälso- och sjukvården.
Projektets webbplats
Projektansvarig vid MDU
The intention of NovaMedTech is to create necessary conditions for the region of eastern central Sweden to take the lead on the industrial development within new medical technologies. The initiative also aims to meet the future needs of healthcare products and services. To succeed, NovaMedTech will utilize the very good basicconditions that exist in the region in terms of business, research (in universities and colleges),advanced healthcare (from home care, home health care / community care to specialized care in university hospitals) and activities of established knowledge centers.
The initiative is further strengthened by the various counties’ complementary strengths. To ensure the development of new products the resources focus of NovaMedTech is divided into twodifferent product areas: medical technology for distributed care and personal health and medical technologies for image-based diagnosis and therapy. The new NovaMedTech is an objective 2 project within entrepreneurship in Biomedical engineering, personalized health, as direction. It is a collaboration between Västmanland, Östergötland, Sörmland Örebro län, and a smaller part of Uppsala University. Mälardalen University is one of the key-actors in this project. The project is a collaboration between academic partners, county councils, municipalities and industry in the region. In total, the project size is 57,8 MSEK.