Algebra and Analysis with applications
Artificial Intelligence och Intelligent Systems
Automated Software language and Software engineering
Behavioral medicine, health and lifestyle (BeMe-Health)
Biomedical Engineering
Care, Recovery and Health
Certifiable Evidences and Justification Engineering
ChiP - Children’s rights to health, protection, promotion and participation
Co-production research in health and welfare
Data Communication
Dependable Software Engineering
Digital and Circular Industrial Services
Engineering Mathematics
Having an income and indebtednes
Health-promotion engineering
Industrial Software Engineering
Learning and Optimisation
Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems
Normcritical perspectives in the research into social vulnerability
Product and Production Development
Programme-specific research projects
Prolonged independent life
Resource efficiency
Safety-Critical Engineering
Software Testing Laboratory
Stochastic Processes, Statistics and Financial Engineering
Sustainable lifestyle and health from a public health perspective
Sustainable working life
Transformative Management
Language Studies and Comparative Literature including Subject Didactics