MDU is a public authority. The overall operations of the University are led by the University Board. The Vice-Chancellor is head of the authority and reports directly to the Board.
University Board
The University Board makes the overall decisions at MDU, and its areas of responsibility include the allocation of resources, and decisions on strategy and policy issues.
Seven members of the University Board are appointed by the Government, and these members represent society and industry.
Members of the Board include the Vice-Chancellor of the University, three representatives for the teaching staff and three representatives for the students.
The Vice-Chancellor, who is appointed by the Government, is head of the University. The Pro-Vice-Chancellor is the Vice-Chancellor’s deputy, and the University Director considers matters based on the Vice-Chancellor’s decisions. A Deputy Vice-Chancellor also works with collaboration with industry.
Management Group and Deans' Group
At MDU there is a Management Group that gives advice and support to the Vice-Chancellor in both strategic and current management issues. There is also a Deans’ Group, that is tasked with discussing common university and management issues.
Management group
Organisation chart
An International University
International activities are very important at Mälardalen University and the co-production profile is as important in the international activities,
Work environment
In 1999 Mälardalen University became the first higher education institution (HEI) in the world to be environmentally certified, and in 2006 the University also became the first in Sweden to be work environment certified.
Sustainable development
Our commitment to sustanability continues to grow. In 2019, MDH signed the Climate Framework along with 35 other Swedish universities.