
Contact us

Welcome to MDU! Here we have gathered information for you such as addresses, telephone number, opening hours and maps of our campus locations.

Contact the University

Switchboard: +4621 10 13 00

Email: info@mdu.se

Email the Registrar: registrator@mdu.se

Addresses details Eskilstuna

Visiting address: Hamngatan 15, Eskilstuna.

Postal address: Mälardalen University, Box 325, 631 05 Eskilstuna.

Deliveries: Bruksgatan 3 B, Eskilstuna.

Addresses details Västerås

Visiting address: Universitetsplan 1, Västerås.

Postal address: Mälardalen University, Box 883, 721 23 Västerås.

Deliveries: Gurksaltargatan 9, Västerås.

Opening hours

Our campuses are open to the public:

  • Monday-Thursday: 08.00-19.00.
  • Friday: 08.00-16.00.

Campus maps

Getting here

There are limited car parking spaces available at the MDU campuses, so please choose another means of transport if possible.


By train

The University is approx. 5 minutes’ walk from Eskilstuna railway central station.

By bus

The closest bus stops are Drottninggatan or Fristadstorget.


By train

The University is approx. 15 minutes’ walk from Västerås central railway station. Take the pedestrian walkway/cycle path along Vasagatan in a northern direction.

By bus

Bus stop is called Universitetet, bus numbers 2, 6 and 21 stops close to the main entrance.