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Research projects
Research projects
Research projects at Mälardalen University
Research projects
Research projects
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ABOWE - Implementing advanced concepts for biological utilization of waste
Accelerating digital transformation in African health systems while leaving no one behind.
Accelerating Innovation at the Fuzzy Front-End of Production System Development
ACICS - Assured Cloud Platforms for Industrial Cyber-physical Systems
A city for everyone? A study about young women's lives in a transforming suburb
Actions for sustainable education and health among youth (ACTION)
ADAPTER: Adaptive Learning and Information Fusion for Online Classification Based on Evolving Big Data Streams
ADEPTNESS - Design-Operation Continuum Methods for Testing and Deployment under Unforeseen Conditions for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems
Adequacy-based Testing of Extra-Functional Properties of Embedded Systems (VR)
Advancing CRD Monitoring Through Measurement Techniques
Affordable Safe & Secure Mobility Evolution
After method in organization studies - workshop om forskningsmetod
Aggregate Farming in the Cloud
A Gridded Water-Food-Energy Nexus Management System for Sweden
Agrivoltaics in Skåne
AI assisted CO2 capture in biomass CHP plants
AI for Sustainable Food Production from Farm to Fork
AIM, Artificial Intelligence in Medical Applications
AI Write - AI tools for writing
Alternative input and control devices for disabled
AMASS - Architecture-driven, Multi-concern and Seamless Assurance and Certification of Cyber-Physical Systems
APARTS - Advanced Program Analysis for Real-Time Systems
APICS - A Process for Efficient and Effective Integration of Component Based Software
Aqua2Farm - Boosting sustainable urban farming by near infrared spectroscopy with aquaphotomics
ARRAY - Automation Region Research Academy
ARROWS - Design Techniques for Adaptive Embedded Systems
Art: Ways of working across boundaries - policy lab for climate adaptation work in relation to changed precipitation patterns
Art-based methods for science education and sustainability (ARMESS)
Artificial Intelligence, Democracy and Human Dignity
Artificial intelligence, democracy and human dignity
Artificiell Intelligens för att förvandla kvalitetsregister till individanpassat beslutstöd i vården, 2017-01555
ARTIMATION - Transparent Artificial Intelligence and Automation to Air Traffic Management systems
ASSIST - Analysis and Synthesis of Industrial Software Systems
A standardized calculation model for photovoltaic investments
ATAC - Advanced Test Automation for Complex Software-Intensive System (ITEA2/Vinnova)
A typology of residents' conceptions of housing in different Västerås' neighbourhood
Augmented Reality and Cybersecurity (ARC)
AutoDeep: Automatic Design of Safe, High- Performance and Compact Deep Learning Models for Autonomous Vehicles
AUTOMAD: AUTOnomous Decision Making in Industry 4.0 using MAchine Learning and Data Analytics
Automation in High-performance Cyber Physical Systems Development
Automation or augmentation: How are white-collar workers affected by automating technologies in the financial sector (DigiFin)
AUTOSAR for Multi-Core in Automotive and Automation Industries
AVANS - civilingenjörsprogrammet i tillförlitliga flyg- och rymdsystem
Avoiding conflicts between the sustainable development goals through agro-photovoltaic systems
BAIT - Waste Management through IOT
BALSOP - Business, Architecture, Organization, and Process: Balancing Software Product Development
BBChina – A master course devoted to the whole bioenergy and biochemicals chain
Beauty and Authority. Sparta and Alcman in Modern Swedish Literature
Being the motor, rudder or sinker: Steering work and health from the perspective of politicians
Being who one is, where one wants, in what one wants: Constructing participation within systems of (dis)ability
BRAINSAFEDRIVE: A Technology to detect Mental States During Drive for improving the Safety of the road
Brain technology in stroke rehabilitation – increasing motor recovery
BREEMRES – Building a Research and Education Environment for Modern Renewable Energy Systems
BUMBLE - Blended Modelling for Enhanced Software and Systems Engineering
Calculation tool for optimal design of solar parks
CAMI - Artificially intelligent ecosystem for self-management and sustainable quality of life in AAL (Ambient Assisted Living)
Can team coaching affect psychosocial climate for increased health and efficiency?
Carbon2Food – Boosting sustainable vertical farming by CO2 fertilization from air carbon capture
Caring staff's experiences of working in residends- and in home care for elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden
CARTCOM - Monitoring and Probabilistic Analysis of Component-Based Embedded Control Systems
Center for Production Innovation for Sustainable and Smart Manufacturing
Central Node of AI Sweden
Challenges and strategies in RNs handling of medical emergency calls
Children as next of kin in adult palliative care - development and implementation of lokal action plans
CIMMREC - Circular Models for Mixed and Multi Material Recycling in Manufacturing
City images – a collaborative view on city branding
Civilingenjör 4.0 Module C11 "Cyber Security, Industrial Data Protection and Data Integrity"
Clinical reasoning focused on activity-related behaviour and behaviour change in a physiotherapy context
Cloud and the Industrial Internet of Things Initiative
Co-creation method in the conduct of an international conference in health and welfare technologies
CogTrack: Real-Time Cognitive Tracking as an Approach to Identify Substance Abuse
Collaborative Cloud Robotics
Communicating Contemporaries and Connections. To interpret and communicate cultural heritage in transnational times
Community-living older adults living with chronic musculoskeletal pain: The effect of an evidence-based intervention on pain, function, health and behaviour
Competence 4.0: putting research-based knowledge to work
Competence hub Embedded Sensor Systems for Health
Competence needs and courses for professionals in IT and competitive production
Computational Intelligence in Process Modelling and Prediction
Concepts for the Sustainable Office of the Future (SOFCO)
CONCERTO - Guaranteed Component Assembly with Round Trip Analysis for Energy Efficient High-integrity Multi-core Systems
Construction Factory
CONTESSE - Contract-Based Components for Embedded Software
Contextual project management
Continuous monitoring of COPD patients
CONVERGE II – A solution for energy distribution in road construction and quarrying
Conversion of horse manure into valuable products using hydrothermal carbonization
Cooperation for increased knowledge about coexistence between agriculture and agrivoltaics in Sweden
Coordinating the Global Firm
Coordination of digital transformation
COPE: Core Plant Excellence
COSSMICA - Co-digestion of Sewage sludge and Microalgae
Count on Västerås
CPMXai: Cognitive Predictive Maintenance and Quality Assurance using Explainable Ai and Machine Learning
CPS-based resilience for critical infrastructure protection
Creating alliances in headwind
Creative mathematical reasoning reinforced by retrieval practice
Creative mathematical reasoning reinforced by retrieving practice - enhancing learning and memory
Creativity lab
Cultural Evolution in Digitial Socities
DAGGERS - Data aggregation for embedded real-time database systems
DAIMP- Data analysis in maintenance planning
Data-driven professional development meets internationalization: Enhancing skills to teach through English
DeEP - Design in European Policies
DeepMaker: Deep Learning Accelerator on Commercial Programmable Devices
Dependable AI in Safe Autonomous Systems
DESTINE: Developing Predictable Vehicle Software Utilizing Time Sensitive Networking
Developing a digital tool for increased participation in child assessments (Dig-Child)
Developing dynamic capabilities for the worlds best Ehealth
Developing integrated approaches to broadening participation
Developing Swedish telephone nurses' gender competence
Development and evaluation of an intervention in time processing ability and daily time management in preschool children with cognitive disabilities
Development of an AI-Based Trusted Smart System for Cardiovascular Health Monitoring
Development of dynamic capabilities for the worlds best Ehealth. Step 1
Development of Electroencephalography (EEG) Signal Analysis Techniques for Brain Computer Interface (BCI) Systems
Development of the master program Innovation & Design
DIAGNOSIS – Adaptive performance simulation tools for field and fleet diagnostics and robust decision-making
DICES - Distributed Component-based Embedded Software Systems
DigiBoil – Development of computational fluid dynamic boiling heat transfer models with applicability to high heat flux
DIGICOGS: DIGital Twins for Industrial COGnitive Systems through Industry 4.0 and Artificial Intelligence
Digi-REFLECT - Towards digitalization in teaching and teacher education: Enhancing the roles and leadership of teachers in classrooms through digitally-enhanced reflection
Digital daily activity centres
Digitalised Management (DigMa)
Digitalization of HVDC grids by means of smart data discovery
Digitalized Work and Management
Digital microlearning as a tool for training and comeptency development for personnel in elderly care to increase safety, effectiveness and quality in professional practice
Digital microlearning as a tool for training and competency development for personnel in elderly care to increase safety, effectiveness and quality in professional practice
Digital transformation: a silver bullet for Swedish firms' growth and internationalization?
Digital twin for essential services
Digitized management – what can we learn from England and Sweden? (DIGMA)
DISTRHEAT - Digital Intelligent and Scalable Control for Renewables in Heating Networks
Distributed group collaboration for sustainable creative problem solving (DiGrus-CPS)
Doing Leadership
DPAC - Dependable Platforms for Autonomous systems and Control
Drawing the Future
Drivers and Barriers for adapting the Swedish Sewage System to Meet Climate Changes
DynamiTe - Dynamic Teleoperation of construction machinery
DYNOP – Dynamic Optimization
eCraft2Learn - Digital Fabrication and Maker Movement in Education: Making Computer-supported Artefacts from Scratch
ECSS - Efficient Certification of functional Safety for Software systems
Education for sustainable development in higher education
Effects of implementing modern health and welfare technology in Västerås municipality's elderly care homes
EFFICIENT - Environmentally Friendly Fire Suppression System for Cargo using Innovative Green Technology
Efficient Safety in Complex Autonomous Production Environments - Concept Development (ESCAPE-CD)
EKEN-Efficient knowledge and experience reuse within the business world
ELECTRA - Evaluation of different communication technologies for heavy duty vehicle platooning
El-hybrid hjullastare, Utveckling och analys med avseende på energieffektivitet, säkerhet och körbarhet
Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Plus
Embedding innovation-oriented work within lean-production systems
E-mobility integration through AI and digitalization for a higher grid flexibility - iEVsFlex
EMOPAC - Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization and Its Applications in Analog Circuit Design
Enabling Practice-Based Innovation: Exploring and Developing the Educational Function of Innovation Management Tools
Energy-Efficient Hardware Accelerator for Embedded Deep Learning
Energy management of fuel cell powered data centers
Engineeering education
Engineering innovation factory
Enhancing transition practices in early childhood education
ENSAF – Energy- and safety diagnostics for decision support for underground mines
EQUIP: User-Supplier integration in production equipment design
ESS-H - Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Research Profile
Ethics in the use of artificial intelligence in Human Resources
Ethnicity and special support in preschool
ETTRIG - Electric Towbarless Tractor with Range Extender and InteGrated charger
Europe-Brazil-Bolivia-Cuba Capacity Building Using Globally Available Digital Learning Modules (EUBBC-Digital)
Evaluation of a home-based parenting support program – Parenting Young C hildren – for parents with intellectual and developmental disabilities when there is a risk for neglect (PYC)
Evaluation of first MW PV plant in Sweden
Evaluation of self-consumption of PV electricity in Sweden
Evaluation of the educational working model "The Democracy Ladder" (Demokratistegen)
Evaluation of the first agrivoltaic system in Sweden
Evidence-based work with health and welfare technology in Swedish municipalities
Evolutionary Transitions in Humans - From Nature to Culture
ExAct, Intelligent experience sharing for industrial applications
EXACT - Experimental Analysis of the Coupling Effect Hypothesis in Software Testing
Exercise for persons with diabetes in Thailand
Exploring the renewable energy system value constellation: Technological opinion leaders and their voices
FAR – Future Automation Region
FAST-ARTS: Fast and Sustainable Analysis Techniques for Advanced Real-Time Systems
FASTER ΑΙ: Fully Autonomous Safety- and Time-critical Embedded Realization of Artificial Intelligence
Femmva - Functional- and execution-models in modern electronic vehicle architectures
FIA - Strategic research into safety and security for the automation industry
FIESTA - Federated Choreography of an Integrated Embedded Systems Software Architecture
FLEXERGY - Energy flexibility through synergies of big data, novel technologies and innovative markets
Flexible and Secure Modular Automation
FlexiHealth: flexible softwarized networks for digital healthcare
FOCUS – fundamentals of care under search in the emergency department – mapping and intervention
Following footprints of resilient youth: successful educational trajectories and transition into higher education
Follow-up IHR
Food4Health: A Personalized System for Adaptive Mealtime Situations for Elderly
FORA - Fog Computing for Robotics and Industrial Automation
Fostering Student Engagement and Participation in Classrooms: Digitally-Enhanced Reflection And Feedback In Education
Fractionality: entropy and related physical properties
FREE – Feasibility of Renewable Energy Integrated with Energy Storage in Buildings
FUDIPO – Future DIrections for Process industry Optimization
Functionally oriented music therapy and long-term pain
FUSION (Featured eUrope and South asIa mObility Network)
FuturAS: Future Generation Automation Systems
Future curriculum resources in mathematics
FutureE – Web-based advanced level courses
Future factories in the Cloud
Future Industrial Networks
Future Production Education
Future-proof Cities+
Futuring World Politics: The politics of foresight in International Organizations
Gauss - Garanterad automationskommunikation under svåra störningar
GEFWIN - Next Generation Fibre-Steered Wind Turbine Blades
Geothermal Community Heat Technology and Transfer
Green Design - Circular and sustainable production investments
GreenDL: Green Deep Learning for Edge Devices
GREENER: Intelligent energy management in connected construction sites
Green e-service development for real estate companies
Green Production Systems
Gutsy learning! Poetry and photography for meaningful concepts on societal challenges
Harmful alcohol use among women and men in different industries: A survey based on a sample of the working population in Sweden
Health5G: Future eHealth powered by 5G
Health and quality in the work environment - enabling creativity and flow
Healthcare providers' work environment and health during the Covid-19 pandemic
Health promotion by decreasing sedentary lifestyle during neo- or adjuvant cancer treatment in persons with breast, prostate or colorectal cancer
Health promotion by increasing adherence to non-sedentary lifestyle in people in transition from working life to retirement
Health visits in the school health care services with children of foreign origin
HELPING: Heterogeneous Platform Deployment Modelling of Embedded Systems
HERO: Heterogeneous systems - software-hardware integration
High Level Languages for Hard and Embedded Real-Time Systems
HISCORE - Hierarchical Scheduling of Complex Real-Time Embedded Systems
HIVEMIND: Human-centred collaboratIVE MultI-ageNt framework for accelerating software Development and maintenance
Holistic Synthesis and Verification for Safe and Secure Autonomous Vehicles
Homogeneity in High-Kappa Kraft Pulping (HH-KK)
HR R-peak detection quality index analysis
Human Capital and Innovations
HV3D Assistive technology and welfare technology in 3 dimensions
Hybrid Electric small commuter aircraft conceptual design (HECARRUS)
HyCoGen: System perspective for efficient production and use of hydrogen in connection to district heating
IDEA: Identifying key variables for monitoring of production processes in automotive industry: A deep learning method
IDEA - InterDisciplinary Education Agenda
IEA PVPS Task 13 – Performance, Operation and Reliability of Photovoltaic Systems
IEA PVPS Task 15 – Enabling Framework for the Acceleration of BIPV
IEMI: Intelligent extraction of mental imagery during stroke rehabilitation
IFAISTOS - Intelligent electroFuel production for An Integrated STOrage System
IHR intensive home rehabilitation
IHR - Older adult´s multidimensional health: a randomized control study of home care in one municipality with qualitative measures to follow-up the intervention.
ImmerSafe - Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications
IMod - Intelligent Concentration Monitoring and Warning System for Professional Drivers
Impact of digestate hydrochar products on energy and nutrient recovery for WRRF- HydroEN-VEMM
Implementation of a behavioural medicine approach in physiotherapy for treatment of persistent pain
Implementation plan using image support
IMPRINT - Innovative Model-Based Product Integration Testing (Vinnova)
Improved calculation of PV power generation in Sweden
Improving agrivoltaic systems performances with spectrally selective solar cells
Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living (IDEAHL)
Inbyggda sensorsystem för Health Plus
InCloud - Indstrial Systems Cloud Computing
Increased collaboration
Increase synergy between different energy networks (SENERGY-NETS)
Increasing subsequences in locally uniform random permutations
Individual-specific assessment of the risk of visual impairment in diabetes
Individual’s opinions about essential factors that facilitate return to work after severe mental illness
IndTech Digital Industrialisation
INDTECH - Industrial Technology Graduate School
Industrial Post-Graduate School Reesbe
Industry in change and the local society: the consequences and opportunities of digitalization
InMaint - Intelligent Monitoring and Maintenance in Production Industry
InnoCities - Smart and sustainable community development through innovation and co-production
INNOFACTURE - innovative manufacturing development
iNNoPs: Innovation pedagogics - support for innovation advisors
Innovating the solid waste processing based on AI (iWASTE)
Innovation Management for Resilient Energy Systems - Orchestration of Ecosystems and Ecosystem Dynamics
Innovationslust i Sörmland
InPro-Hym: inclusive and productive hybrid meetings
Integration of HTC in Wastewater treatment plants (IWas)
Intelligent automation of interpersonal relationships in Human Resource work
Interactive distance solution for stroke rehabilitation in the home setting
Interactive Invitations. Evaluation of Techniques and Processes in an Exhibition Context
Interactive technology for long-term support of physical activity among older people
INTERCONNECT: Integrated Time Sensitive Networking and Legacy Communications in Predictable Vehicle-platforms
International Visiting Professor in Organization and Leadership Studies with Methodological Expertise - Emma Bell
Intervensions in Income Support that Increase the Chances of Self-sufficiency
Into DeeP
Investigation of needs and requirements related to monitoring of physical activity in daily life: A qualitative study of older adults' experiences from using activity bracelets
INVIP: Indoor Navigation for Visual Impairment Persons using Computer Vision and Machine learning
IOA – Implementation of Automation
IPOS, Integrated Personal Health Optimizing System
iREST – Integrating renewable energies and storage technologies into residential, office and industry buildings: towards near zero energy targets
Is the state subsidy for outsourcing of domestic services associated with increased labour market integration and mobility of immigrants?
ITS-EASY Post Graduate School for Embedded Software and Systems
ITS ESS-H Industrial Graduate School in Reliable Embedded Sensor Systems
IVRIS – Introducing welfare technology through the realization of collaborative innovation capacity
Karakuri IoT
Karakuri IoT step 2
KKS research profile Future Energy
KLOSS - Kunskapsutbyte och Lärande Om Strategisk Samverkan
Knowledge overview for practitioners, the field of older adults
KPI2030: Sustainable KPIs and indicators for facilities
KTP Energy Sweden
LACTA - a new method to identify the lactate threshold
Language, Lean, and Assemby Manuals
Language in Use
Large scale production of mixed material products
LEAD - Lean Automation Development
Lean and Green Production Navigator
Lean Automation Business - within SIO PiiA
LIF - Leadership under change
Lomwong Saangsook’ meetings among older adults in Northeastern Thailand
Longing to belong. Interaction, relationships and identity of deaf and hard of hearing young adults
MAASICA - Microalgae based activated sludge process integrated with co-digestion of algae and sludge
Machine Learning for the prevention of occupational accidents in the construction industry
Machine learning in power devices and power systems
MAGNITUDE – Bringing flexibility provided by multi energy carrier integration to a new magnitude
makeITrail - Digital innovation for railway production value chains
Materialitet i förändring
Mathematics teacher education research at MDU
MATRIX - Evaluation of the first agrivoltaic systems facility in Sweden
MBAT - Combined Model-based Analysis and Testing (Artemis/Vinnova)
Measurement system for prevention of pressure sores
Mechanisms and processes in the disability service organization impact on access-making of information- and communication technology for persons with intellectual disability
Meeting and community in the post-digital era: Understanding the texture of organizing and how it is changing
MegaMaRt2 - Megamodelling at Runtime (ECSEL/Vinnova)
MEMIMAN - Material Efficiency Management in Manufacturing
Mental health and participation in habilitation of children and youth with disabilities – a research program (PMH)
Men’s Activism to End Violence Against Women
Metasynthesis on recovery
Methods for a sustainable sludge management and recirculation of nutrients and organic material to productive land.
Micro sensors for better health
MINEStrA: Model Integration for Early Simulation and Analysis
Mission and Capability Engineering for Systems-of-Systems
MobiFog: mobility management in Fog-assisted IoT networks
Modeling and analysis of risks in systems-of-systems
Modeling and Analyzing Event-based Autonomous Systems
Möjliggörande av praktikbaserad innovation: Utforskande och utveckling av den pedagogiska effekten av innovation management verktyg
MOMENTUM: analysis of models towards compilation to predictable embedded real-time and safety-critical applications
Monitoring devices for overall FITness of DRIVErs
MORMOR- Monitoring of airflow and airborne particles, to provide early warning of irrespirable atmospherics conditions
Morphological Computing in Cognitive Systems
Multi-Aspectual Data Management of Embedded Real-Time Systems
Multi-SAM Project /Good Quality, Local Healthcare Model
Multiscale Methods for simulations of mechanical metamaterials
Multiscale methods for simulations of mechanical metamterials
Music in Motion - A Project that combines Arts with Science
National assessment in Mathematics for students with Intellectual disabilities, an implementation study. (NaMId)
Negotiating knowledge of social sustainability: Policy and practice in contemporary science teacher education
NET-RAPIDO: Negative emission technologies: readiness assessment, policy instrument design, options for governance and dialogue
Network effects of interlocking directorates
Network FinEng/2017
Network FinEng2021
Network FinEng2023
New generations of youth feel worse than in the past: a study on determinants and the stability of youth mental health problems.
New logics for innovation
Newly graduated registered nurses’ experiences of caring in emergency departments during the Covid-19 pandemic
New Replacement Policy Considering Environment Sustainability
Norm creative interior for play and learning in preschools
NovaMedTech II
NURED Nurse education Development - homecare
Nurse's role in drug monitoring among elderly
Obstacles and opportunities for equal participation of citizens with intellectual disabilities: evidence from a world leading accessibility initiative
Older adults and caregiving/ care-receiving relations - Family roles reshaped in societal changes. A comparative crosscultural vignettes study between Japan, South-Korea and Sweden
Older persons participation in prehospital emergency care
OnE LEARNS: Online Education for LEAdeRs in Nutrition and Sustainability
On-going evaluation of Centre for Welfare Change
On the working conditions for academics and challenges for higher education posed by massification
OPERA - Operational AI for Process Industry
Operationalising usage-based learning: A minimal cognitive architecture approach
OPtiC-NIRS – Online powerplant control using near-infrared Spectroscopy
Optimized design of agrivoltaic systems in Sweden (Opti-APV)
Organizing Experience Feedback Loops for Production Innovation (FeedInn)
ORION - Decision Support for Component-Based Software Engineering of Cyber-Physical Systems
PADME - Process Automation for Discrete Manufacturing Excellence
Pain management in people with optimally treated rheumatic disease and with long-term pain problems
Pain Out, WP decision support for pain relief
PANORAMA - Boosting Design Efficiency for Heterogeneous³ Systems
Parenthood in families with two mothers - Encounters and early parental support from health care professionals in antenatal and child health care
PARIS - Practical Probabilistic Timing Analysis of Real-Time Systems
Participation in CIP for adults with cognitive disability
Participation in everyday life for adults with profound intellectual disability
Particle exposure at work: Different environments but same risks?
Person-centered care: a literature review
PFA – support for persons' with intellectual disability for increased participation in everyday life
PG-CBD-IDE - Integration Development Environment
PG-CBD-Proc - Identification and specification of CB process
PG-CBD-StatA - Static Timing Analysis of Component-Based Systems
PG-CBD-Trans - Transformation of processes
PG-Dep-ET - Enabling Technologies for Evaluating/Ensuring Dependability
PG-Dep-FRAMES - Faults and Reliability Aware Methodologies for Efficient Scheduling
PG-Dep-PEARLS - Parameterized Evaluation of Attributes of Reliable Systems
PG-Pla-OSC - Optimization, Synthesis and Configuration
PG-Pla-SSI - SubSystem Integration
Photo-elicited conversations about therapy dogs as a tool for engagement and communication in dementia care
Physical literacy in public environments
PICO - Philosophy of Information and Computing
PINPOINT - The patient's first point of contact in primary care – registered nurses' communication and initial assessment
PLATSMO - Places facing structural head wind - (re)newed methods to promote changes in the development of people's everyday landscapes in both urban and rural areas
PolyPO – Polygeneration and Process Optimization for Advanced Combined Heat and Power Plants
Positional Analysis for Sustainable Development
PPMsched - Performance Preserving Multicore Scheduling
PREMISE - Predictable Multicore Systems
PREMIUM - Professional Education for Manufacturing Innovation
Preparedness for digital production innovation
PRESS - Predictable Embedded Software Systems
Pre-study of efficient and on-line transport systems in Västerås
PreView: Developing Predictable Vehicle Software on Multi-core
Process Control Technologies for Water Reuse - CONTROL4REUSE
Productionslift East Central Sweden
PROGNOSIS - Predictive Diagnostic and Prognostic Tools Integration for Decision Support Systems in Gas Turbine Fleets
PROLOC - Manufacturing Footprint during the Product´s Life Cycle
Prolonged independent living - a co production project with old people, relatives and health care
Promotion factor for RN work motivation in an acute care setting
PROMPT - Professional Master’s in Software Engineering (step II, phase B&C)
PROMPT - Professional Master’s in Software Engineering (step II)
ProPlan - Smart production planning at city and regional level
PROVIDENT: Predictable Software Development in Connected Vehicles Utilising Blended TSN-5G Networks
PSI: Pervasive Self-Optimizing Computing Infrastructures
PyrAD - Integration of pyrolysis in anaerobic digestion
QGen: Quantum Generative Models
Q-ImPreSS - Quality Impact Prediction for Evolving Service-oriented Software
Quality Increment in Embedded Electronic System Testing (Q-Test)
RALF3 - Software for Embedded High Performance Architectures
RAP-Robotics, Automation and Process Control
READY - Research Environment for Advancing Low Latency Internet
Real-time Heterogeneous Systems
RECOG: Closed-loop neurofeedback innovation for cognitive rehabilitation
Recreate: Secondary Life Management of Electric Vehicle Batteries
Reduce Sedentary behavior during Cancer treatment - the RedSedCan study
Reducing maintenance-related waste
Relationships in circular business models
Relatonic simulation - a tool for organisational improvement: About emergence of organisation with interactions and relationships as a base for change
Reliability and Performance of Photovoltaic Systems
RELIEF- euRopean bio-Economy aLliancE in Farming
Researching educational needs connected to AI development with a focus on ethics and equality
RetNet - The European Industrial Doctorate Programme on Future Real-Time Networks
RLP youth - reproductive life planning among adolescents
Robot Colleague - A Project in Collaborative Robotics
RV-REDS - Resource Virtualization for Real-Time Embedded Distributed Systems
SaDIES. Safe Dynamic Software Instrumentation for Embedded Systems
Safe and Secure Adaptive Collaborative Systems
SafeCOP - Safe Cooperating Cyber-Physical Systems using Wireless Communication
SafeDeep: Dependable Deep Learning for Safety-Critical Airborne Embedded Systems
SafeDriver: A Real Time Driver's State Monitoring and Prediction System
Safety Assurance in Continuous Deployment
Safety assurance of Cooperating Construction Equipment in Semi-automated Sites
Safety-Critical Component-Based Systems
Safety Critical Industrial Machine Vision Inspection and Control System (SAFEi)
SAFSEC-CPS -- Securing the safety of autonomous cyber-physical systems
SALUTOGEN - Seniors’ Activity and quality of Life supported by Technology through delight, Engagement and interest
Same program, different outcomes
SC: Evolution Support for Architectural Artefacts
Scandinavian ECO-Collaborate Living Lab: Sustainable Solutions for Climate Change Resilience in Food Security
Scenario för materialeffektivitet i tillverkning
SCOSSA - Sector coupling in energy transitions as sociotechnical processes
SeCRA - Security Case Run-Time Adaptation
Securing development and transfer of knowledge for Swedishbattery industry competitiveness
SEINE: Automatic Self-configuration of Industrial Networks
Self-compassion, stressreduction and recovery
Self-sufficient residential area in an urban environment - energy analysis and optimization
Serendipity - Secure and dependable platforms for autonomy
Shaping the sustainable city - the case of Stockholm Royal Seaport
SIMGIC - Service Innovation Management in Global Industrial Companies
SIMMILAR: Systems-of-Systems for Intelligent Manufacturing Maintenance using Industry 4.0, Lean, AI Reasoning
SimuSafe: Simulator of Behavioural Aspects for Safer Transport
SInS – Developing the capacity of leading technology-related social innovation in cooperation
SISTER - Strengthening the IST Research Capacity of Sofia University
Självkörande cyklar för mer verklighetstrogen utveckling och verifiering av fordons säkerhetssystem för undvikande av cykelolyckor
Skilled migrants and their career success, a study of individual, organizational and institutional factors
SLAM: Self-supervised learning for predictive maintenance
Smart and Circular Battery Charging Solutions
Smart and networking underWAter Robots in cooperation MesheS
Smart Battery Circularity - Circul8
Smart Circularity Implementation (SmartCircle)
SMARTCore: Model-driven support for deployment optimization of embedded systems on multicore
Smart Flows
SMART – Smart control of district heating networks integrating next generation energy-efficient buildings
SMET – Separation of heavy metals in municipal wastewater treatment
SnowSat-an AI approach towards efficient hydropower production
Socialisation of junior auditors
Social language environment – development and conditions for children and multilingual children´s literacy processes in Swedish preschools
Software Center
Software Center: Model-based Development and Continuous Integration
Software Center: Modeling and Analyzing Cyber-Physical Systems
Solar Energy Research Center Sweden Sverige (SOLVE)
SPECTRA – Spectral measurements for prediction of biomass properties
Sprint 10 Project: SLA-IoT--Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT
Sprint 11 Project: SLA-IoT--Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT
Sprint 12 Project: SLA-IoT--Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT
Sprint 13 Project: SLA-IoT--Ensuring Quality of Service through Modeling of Service-level Agreements in Industrial IoT
SSpiia - Safety & Security in Process Industrial IT and Automation
Staff's experiences of working in elderly care at the Covid-19 pandemic in Sweden
STARK - Evaluation of the content of a web tool aimed to identify early markers related to fall risk among middle-aged people
START - Stochastic Real-Time Analysis of Embedded Software Systems
Static Program Analysis for Complex Embedded systems
Strategic Production Development
Stress and stress management and its impact on the nursing care of newly graduated registered nurses in the emergency units during the Covid-19-pandemic
Students learning in psychiatric care
Studying the effects of teachers’ professional development through quasi-experimental analyses of TIMSS and PIRLS
Suicidal behavior in working life - risk and protective factors from a gender perspective
SuRe BPMS - Sustainable and Resource Efficient Business Performance Measurement Systems
SURF - Study about registered nurses encounters with frequent callers
SURF- Study of telephone nurses’ work with frequent callers
Sustainable bio-fuelled SOFC hybrid plants for zero-emissions dispatchable power generation
Sustainable preschool
Sustainable production of alcohol sensors
Sustainable professional development by a digitalizied introductory programme for nurses
Sweden Energy Accelerator
Syclen1: System change & development in the value chain - Net Zero Demonstrator step 1
SYDPOL – System Development for Power Plant Production Planning and Optimal Operations
SYNOPSIS - Safety Analysis for Predictable Software Intensive Systems
SynthSoft - Synthesizing Predictable Software for Distributed Embedded Systems
Systematic review of empathy research
Systematic reviews of widely used health and welfare technologies
System för dynamisk matchning av flygunderhållsförmågor och taktiska behov med maskininlärning och stora data
Technology support for health promotive behavioural change
Telepresence robot mediated embodied interaction in hybrid language learning environments
TESLA - Time-critical & Safe wireLess Automation communication
Tested Site Optimization Solutions (Tested-SOS)
TESTMINE - Mining Test Evolution for Improved Software Regression Test Selection (KKS)
TESTOMAT Project - The Next Level of Test Automation
The Border-Transgressing Self: Narrative and Cultural Identity in Autofictions of Migration
The Corporate Elite and the Growth of Swedish Firms
The encounter between ambulance care and patients in a suicidal process regarding causes of contact, documentation and conversations
The ethics and politics of climate-induced migration
The Fik@ room – a web platform for reducing older people’s social isolation and experienced loneliness
The Future Labor Market
The HOME project
The importance of fathergroups
The Industrial Digital Movement
The international e-consumer – a study of global consumer behavior
Theorizing teacher use of curriculum material within mathematics classroom practice
TheO - The Extended Office
The professional practice of accountants
The respite care project
The role of flexible consumers in a future renewable power system
The role of preschool in promoting mental health: collaboration for attendance and engagement
The situation for family caregivers to patients with heart failure and their importance in heart failure nursing
The Swedish Armed Forces total survey on veterans from international military operations
The value of aesthetics for acceptance of agrivoltaics in the rural landscape
The values of local government and the problem of municipal amalgamations
The Volvo chair of vehicular electronics and software architecture
Third Eye: An Intelligent Assisting Aid for Older Individuals with a Recently Acquired Visual Impairment
Timing Analysis on Code-Level
Timing Predictions of Complex Embedded Systems
To live with dementia in daily life and at end of life. A study based on participatory observations at care homes in Japan and Sweden
Towards An Optimal Irrigation Management System from the Water-Food-Energy Nexus Perspective
Trace4Value: Traceability For Sustainable Valuechains
TRADE – Turbo electRic Aircraft Design Environment
Transformative Agents
TRUSTed decision-making system for Cognitive Manufacturing
Trustworthy Generative AI for Advanced Industrial DigitaliZation (Trust_Gen_Z)
TRUSTY - Trustworthy intelligent system for remote digital towers
TRYM: Trust your Metrics!
Understanding changes in levels of occupational sex segregation in Sweden and Europe during half a century
Understanding healthy aging in Isan-Thai culture
Unicorn -Sustainable, peaceful and efficient robotic refuse handling
Unity4Water - Value creation of reclaimed wastewater
Up-skilling for Industry 5.0 roll-out
Urban Tech
Using a rocking chair in the care of people with dementia - a single-case research study
VA cluster Mälardalen
VA-kluster Mälardalen
Varieties of attitudes to family migration in Europe
VARUM - Vision Aided Robots for Underwater Minehunting
VDM - Vehicle Driver Monitoring
VeriDevOps - Automated Protection and Prevention to Meet Security Requirements in DevOps Environments
VeriSpec - Structured Specification and Automated Verification for Automotive Functional Safety
Virtual Reality in the Care of People with Dementia: A Single-Case Research Study
Vis'man - Visual and Spatial Communication and Management from users' perspectives
WASTE MAN – Water and Sludge integrated Management in biomass power plants
Water in a box (stage 2)
WCET - Worst-Case Execution Time analysis
WIRE – Wireless Industrial networks with Reliability Enhancements
Working from home under the Covid-19 pandemic and psychosocial wellbeing
Working systematically with education for sustainability - experiences from swedish I Ur and Skur preschools
Workplace structure and work-related ill-health: female dominance, organizational factors, initiatives and political decisions in municipal administration
Worldclass energy solutions
Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis of Parallel Systems
XIVT - eXcellence in Variant Testing
XPRES - Excellence in Production Research
Young people with complex needs meet complex organizations
Young people’s entry into the labour market
Young women's perspectives of mental health