Evaluation of self-consumption of PV electricity in Sweden
In Sweden, there are no readily available statistics for self-consumption of electricity from photovoltaics (PV). The purpose of the project was to remedy this lack of knowledge.
Main financing
Collaboration partners
Research area
Project manager at MDU
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The size of the self-consumption affects the solar cell owner's economy, electricity grid investments as grid reinforcements, the cost of support systems in the form of tax reductions for surplus electricity fed into the grid and the knowledge of the size of the Swedish solar production.
Project objectives
- Generate data for self-consumption of PV electricity in buildings based from a larger number of existing PV plants. Primarily for connections with fuse subscriptions up to 100 A, as the majority of connections are in this category, but subject to data access, other connections are also of interest.
- Produce comparative figures that allow an estimate of the Swedish total solar production using the measurements made of measured surplus of PV electricity fed into the electricity grid.
- Comparison of finances for self-employed solar and sold surplus in Sweden for different types of PV owners, such as detached houses, real estate, tenant-owner associations and agriculture.
- Report on an international review for a selection of countries by instruments for supporting self-consumption of PV electricity.
- Report on an international review of methods to increase the self-consumption of PV electricity in buildings.
- Develop a calculation template in Excel where with knowledge of electricity usage per hour and calculated solar production per hour you can calculate the self-consumption of PV electricity. This, together with an investment calculation, can give guidance on how large PV plant it is suitable to install.