

Up-skilling for Industry 5.0 roll-out

The Up-Skill project addresses the workforce implications of industry 5.0, in particular, the relationship between automation choices and maintenance of skilled work, exploring the strategic space in production where automation adds value to skilled and artisanal work and where over-automation risks undermining the value of what is produced.

Project manager at MDU

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The Up-Skill project addresses the workforce implications of industry 5.0, in particular, the relationship between automation choices and maintenance of skilled work, exploring the strategic space in production where automation adds value to skilled and artisanal work and where over-automation risks undermining the value of what is produced.

Ethnographic research will be used to identify the ways in which job roles and content are changing as a consequence of the introduction of Industry 4.0 and 5G technology, and the shifting managerial capabilities that are needed to ensure the maintenance of added value in these spaces.

Project objectives

The Up-Skill project aims to change the mind-set from technology implementation being a substitution of skilled human work to one of human-machine inter-augmentation; extracting value from human-machine interaction to the benefit of both industry and workers and supporting the preservation of cultural heritage and craftsmanship that might otherwise be lost.

The project aims to conduct research on how new technologies and humans can lever value from one another Demonstrate the role of managerial intent shaping outcomes Explore the subsequent organizational change (knock-on effects) of digital technology adoption Identify the managerial competencies required to manage and capitalize on new interactions, skills and technologies. Highlight emerging skills, new categories of skills and re-theorizing skills Help to preserve and validate the essential skills necessary for European competitiveness Develop materials for training and post-project skills outcomes (includes development of a web-based platform to give access to training materials).

The Up-Skill Project - A transition to a human-centred, resilient and sustainable digital economy, on Youtube External link.

This research relates to the following sustainable development goals