
Ecocritical Forum: Literature Studies

Information Design


NOMP-group – New Organisation and Management Practices

Product and Production Development


Studies on Social Sustainability in Education

Transformative Management

Ubiquitous Computing

Childhood during Antropocen – Education and sustainability

Artificial Intelligence och Intelligent Systems

Behavioral medicine, health and lifestyle (BeMe-Health)

Care, Recovery and Health

Innovation Management for Resilient Energy Systems - Orchestration of Ecosystems and Ecosystem Dynamics

Focusing on resilient energy ecosystems as the study object, this project aims to provide an in-depth understanding of resilient energy systems from a socio-technical point of view and specifically how ecosystem dynamics and the anticipation of exogeneous events and trends affects the energy systems ability to become resilient. Based on this new knowledge the project also aims to develop a framework and guideline for new practises of orchestration to support the transition into resilient energy systems.



Planned completion


Main financing

Collaboration partners

Research area

Project manager at MDU

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This project is a part of RESILIENT Competence Center. By focusing on resilient energy ecosystems as the study object this project aims to provide an in-depth understanding of resilient energy systems from a socio-technical point of view and specifically how ecosystem dynamics and the anticipation of exogeneous events and trends affects the energy systems ability to become resilient. Based on the produced new knowledge the project also aims to develop a framework and guideline for new practises of orchestration to support the transition into resilient energy systems.

Building upon theory of ecosystem management and futures studies, we contribute by identifying future threats and opportunities that the system needs to account for; and practically by mobilizing the collective intelligence of its actors and providing guidelines on how to orchestrate such an activity. To do so we need to explore the tensions that emerge in the act of sharing information between organizations and developing research-based methodologies for the collective anticipatory system. How to organize and orchestrate this as a collective activity is thus far, largely unknown. Therefore, we explore this problem through an interactive research design with intermittent studies applying futures studies and boundary critique. Additional data is gathered through participatory workshops, documents, interviews, and observations. In addition to SIQ, partners are adopted through ELOGE and participation in this project will be open to all members of RESILIENT and other required actors.

Findings of this project should point towards how resilience can be built through foresight, yielding both managerial and policy recommendations..

Project objective

Focusing on resilient energy ecosystems as the study object, this project aims to provide an in-depth understanding of resilient energy systems from a socio-technical point of view and specifically how ecosystem dynamics and the anticipation of exogeneous events and trends affects the energy systems ability to become resilient. Based on this new knowledge the project also aims to develop a framework and guideline for new practises of orchestration to support the transition into resilient energy systems.

The project addresses three main research questions:
RQ1: What is a resilient future energy (eco)system?
RQ2: How can orchestration of ecosystems support the transition to more resilient energy systems?
RQ3: How can collective anticipatory intelligence be developed and organized to support the transition to more resilient energy systems?