Health promotion by increasing adherence to non-sedentary lifestyle in people in transition from working life to retirement
The purpose is to study health promotion by supporting adherence to non-sedentary behavior in people in transition from working life to retirement.
Main financing
Collaboration partners
Research area
Project manager at MDU
The purpose is to study health promotion by supporting adherence to non-sedentary behavior in people in transition from working life to retirement. The studies aim at understanding the target group’s sedentary and physical activity behavior, their use of persuasive technology, preferences regarding self-management strategies, and how to increase adherence to
non-sedentary behaviour, as well as the economic burden to society of sedentary behaviour. We will develop in co-production with end-users an intervention including persuasive technology to increase adherence in nonsedentary behavior, assess feasibility and evaluate the intervention effects and the economic gains of the intervention.
Method: The project group is multidisciplinary consisting of researchers from physiotherapy, nursing, psychology, sociology, economics, and e-health. In five years, six studies with qualitative and quantitative experimental approaches are conducted in co-production with end-users. The target group (end-users) consists of people in transition from working life to retirement (60-75 years).
Conclusion: This novel approach for health promotion through decreasing sedentary behavior, delivered in a way that is highly accessible to the target group that has been quite ignored until now, is expected to increase health and impact society’s economy positively in the long term.