SSpiia - Safety & Security in Process Industrial IT and Automation
The main objectives of this project is to for the process-industrial IT and automation domain identify requirements, feasibility and benefits of introducing composable safety-certification, and platform security in virtualized systems.
Collaboration partners
Research area
Project manager at MDU
Description of the project
Safety & Security in Process Industrial IT and Automation (SSpiia): The main objectives of this project is to for the process-industrial IT and automation domain identify requirements, feasibility and benefits of introducing
- composable safety-certification,
- and platform security in virtualized systems.
Related to the PiiA SIO programme, the project targets strategic research related to the target area integrated tools for construction, configuration, operation and maintenance. The proposed safety research builds on and relates to two larger complementary research projects: the EU/ARTEMIS project SafeCer and the SSF framework project SYNOPSIS at MDH. Both these projects are targeting composable safety-certification, including process, methodology, technology, tools and demonstrators for multiple domains, including Automotive, Avionics, Construction Equipment, Health-care, and Rail. SSpiia aims to extend and adapt results from these projects into the process-industrial IT and automation domain. This pre-study is expected to lead to an application for a full project targeting some relevant aspects of Safety&Security in PIIA.