
Summary of the 2024 Academic Ceremony Week

Honorary guests at the Academic Ceremony 2024.

During the Academic Ceremony week, MDU had a particular focus on academic achievements. For instance, a round-table discussion was held with Professors who were going to be inaugurated. Lectures by the Honorary Doctors and the winners of the Teaching Prize were held, doctoral degrees were conferred, and Professors were inaugurated during the Academic Ceremony.

Round-table Discussion and Concert

This year, progressive inaugural lectures were conducted in the form of a round table discussion, with our new Professors who were inaugurated at the Academic Ceremony. At the “Brilliant Minds” round-table discussion, areas such as research, driving forces and visions for the future were debated. The discussion highlighted how our research can contribute to society and global development.

During the lunch break Västmanlandsmusiken, our collaboration partner, performed a concert beside the main staircase at the Eskilstuna campus.

Round-table Discussion, led by Sara Arvidson, Director of Communications at MDU.

Honorary Doctors and Prize Winners Day

The title of honorary doctor is conferred on a person who has an important role for MDU and who has a clear link to our research, and education or who has in another way made outstanding contributions in one of our organisational areas. During the 2024 Academic Ceremony, an additional three persons were conferred with the title of honorary doctor at MDU: Klas Bergling, Riikka Virkkunen and Erwin Schoitsch. They each gave a lecture at the Honorary Doctors and Prize Winners Day.

By highlighting skilled teachers and other employees at MDU, we wish to place teaching expertise at the very centre, and also stimulate educational advancement and continuing professional development. Recipients of the Teaching Prize each held a lecture about their educational efforts.

Honorary doctors 2024: Erwin Schoitsch, Riikka Virkkunen and Klas Bergling.

Academic Ceremony

There are many traditions at the University, and a significant occasion is the Academic Ceremony where academic excellence is celebrated. The Academic Ceremony is held once every two years to honour the University's new professors and doctors. The Ceremony dates back to the Middle Ages and is common to all university colleges and universities in Sweden that conduct research.

At the Academic Ceremony, a doctoral award ceremony and a professorial inauguration are held. The doctoral award ceremony is when doctoral students who have fulfilled the requirements for a Degree of Doctor are conferred a Doctor’s degree. In addition, honorary doctoral degrees are conferred on persons for meritorious achievements within their field. Professorial inauguration takes place when the Vice-Chancellor awards a diploma to the new Professor.

In connection with the Ceremony, prizes and awards are also presented such as the Teaching Prize and MDU’s Collaboration Medal.

The Ceremony was enhanced with singing and music by students from the Academy of Music and Opera at Mälardalen University, led by Lena Hellström Färnlöf, Professor and Artistic Director.

Marshal Cecilia Lindh.

Deputy marshal Lova Libert.

Student marshals

Honorary guests 2024.

Dean Daniel Sundmark.

Honorary Doctor Klas Bergling.

Honorary Doctor Riikka Virkkunen.

Honorary Doctor Erwin Schoitsch.

Professorial inauguration.

Professorial inauguration.


Vice-Chancellor Martin Hellström.

Students from the Academy of Music and Opera at MDU.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Collaboration Helena Jerregård.

Lars Wiklander, Hitachi Energy, receive the Collaboration Medal.

Pro-Vice-Chancellor Cecilia Bjursell.

Winners of the Teaching Prize: Anna Johansson, Bjarne Hindersson and Helena Wreeby.

Doctoral award.

Doctoral award.

Doctoral award.

Doctoral award.

Doctoral award.

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