
Datum 2022-09-21
Artikeltyp Portrait

Professor's portrait: Lucia Crevani

Lucia Crevani, Professor of Business Administration, specialising in Organisation and Management is one of the professors to be installed at the Academic Ceremony on 7 October 2022.

Lucia Crevani, Professor of Business Administration, specialising in Organisation and Management. School of Business Society and Engineering , Division of Organization and Management.

Please tell us briefly about your academic career – what decisions have brought you to where you are today?

I started working as an engineer but became increasingly interested in the significance of interaction for our work. At first, I was particularly drawn to the social interaction between people in organisations, but later I became interested in the interaction with technology, space and place, and different objects. I began early on to describe leadership as a practice, rather than leadership being a trait or behaviour of an individual, and I have had the privilege of being involved in and creating this research domain.

Crucial to my research have also been the researchers I have had the privilege of getting to know and cooperate with, and the various research projects that have given me the opportunity to immerse myself in specific issues.

In what area do you conduct research?

I am interested in areas such as organisation, leadership, introduction of new technologies and diversity. Of particular interest are the perspectives which focus on processes of change and interactions. In addition to my research, I teach organisation and management, and I am also director of research for our Industrial Engineering and Management research specialisation (IEO).

What is the driving force in your research?

To increase our understanding of organisation and management as a phenomenon, by developing knowledge about other aspects than those that have traditionally been in focus. I do that by taking inspiration from other fields, such as philosophy and human geography. I am also driven to increase understanding and knowledge about this in close discussion with professionals in various sectors.

Which research domains are particularly important for you?

Research that deals with the changes that we are currently facing and still don’t understand enough of. For example, research on how the way we manage and organise work is changing due to, among others, increased automation and the introduction of various forms of AI, hybrid work, flexible and collaborative workplaces, an enhanced need to collaborate between organisations and increased social responsibility. In this area I hope to contribute to increased inclusion and fairness through changing organisational and management practices.

How do you feel about becoming a Professor given that MDU has recently become an official University?

It's an exciting time where we are jointly developing the future MDU – Mälardalen University. There is a lot of energy in the organisation and several good ideas that will materialise and I am really looking forward to being able to contribute to this, both in my role as Professor and director of research.

Lucia Crevani is also Editor of the Journal of Change Management and a board member of the Scandinavian Academy of Industrial Engineering and Management.