Why leisure time and health is crucial for young people to get through upper-secondary school
Meaningful leisure time can thus contribute to reduced stress, so that teenagers are better able to handle the demands from school and that they also perform better at school. Photo: Jonas Bilberg
Around 25 per cent of upper-secondary school pupils in Sweden drop out of secondary school or graduate with incomplete grades. Katarina Bälter, Professor of Public Health Sciences at MDU, has conducted a study to explore the importance of meaningful leisure time and health for young people so that they will finish upper-secondary school. The goal is to get more young people to complete upper-secondary school and to increase their chances of getting a job and having better health.
In the study ”Åtgärder för hållbar utbildning och hälsa bland ungdomar” (ACTION”) (Measures for sustainable education and health among young people) Katarina Bälter has focused on the stakeholders’ viewpoint. She and her research colleagues, including Camilla Eriksson, Senior Lecturer in Public Health Sciences, have interviewed staff who are responsible for activities or arenas where young people hang out during their leisure time, such as youth centres, churches, libraries, kulturskola (music/art school), sports clubs and the like.
Investing in young people's health and their future
In the interviews, the staff emphasised that meaningful leisure time had a positive impact on young people's mental health through social relationships and support from trusted adults.
“Offering them a place to hang out, and structured activities in particular, can be seen as an investment in young people's health and future prospects,” says Katarina Bälter.
Meaningful leisure time reduces stress and mental health problems
Previous research shows clear links between good school performance and physical activity, good eating habits, regular sleep habits, good mental health and parental support. The results of this study also support this connection.
“Meaningful leisure time is something that has a positive impact on teenagers' mental health by giving them access to social relationships, support and guidance. Meaningful leisure time can thus contribute to reduced stress, so that teenagers are better able to handle the demands from school and that they also perform better at school,” says Katarina Bälter.
Katarina Bälter also believes that organisations, leisure activities or other organised group activities can give young people access to several arenas for them to build their self-confidence and social relationships, which in turn can reduce the risk of mental health issues.
They want more pupils to complete upper-secondary school
Empowering young people through meaningful leisure time could have positive effects on their health and school performance and hence, result in fewer health inequalities. A completed upper secondary education increases the chances of employment and provides long-term health benefits overall compared with interrupted studies. The goal is for more young people to complete upper-secondary school to increase their chances of work and better health.
According to Katarina Bälter, one must also consider the pupils' different conditions, including socioeconomic status and disabilities, which can affect their ability to finish upper-secondary school.
The study has been conducted within the scope of Samhällskontraktet, (The Social Contract) which is a partnership agreement between Mälardalen University, Västerås City and Eskilstuna Municipality.

Illustration: Sara Karvonen Sheikh
Read the full article
Making leisure time meaningful for adolescents: an interview study from Sweden
Link to the full articleRead more about the research project ACTION
The aim of the project is to investigate the importance of meaningful leisure time among adolescents in high school (upper secondary school) and the importance of leisure time and health to enable managing school.
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