

Professor Olcay Sert is one of the most cited researchers in the world

Olcay Sert, Professor of (English) language education, has been included in a prestigious international ranking of the most cited researchers in the world. He is listed as one of the top-cited researchers (i.e. a percentile rank of 2% or above) in his field (Linguistics/language education) in the world based on data released by Elsevier, published by researchers from Stanford University.

Being included on this list is a powerful testament to the reach and impact of the research taking place at the university.

The list shows the top 2% of researchers with the most citations. The list is divided into lifetime performance and performance for 2022. In it, individual researchers are ranked according to citation data; the more often other authors refer to the individual researcher's work, the higher the ranking. They are classified in 22 research fields and 176 sub-fields and the ranking is based on publications in Scopus, an extensive citation database owned by Elsevier.

See the most recent update of the ranking. External link, opens in new window.

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