The education process
Admission to third-cycle studies is carried out in accordance with the University’s admission regulations. Applications may be made throughout the academic year or at specific times. Applications must be made on a special application form.
A prerequisite for being admitted to third-cycle studies is that there is funding for the entire period of studies. Vacant study places and advertisement of posts as doctoral students are advertised on the website for employment vacancies.
Instructions about qualifications, selection and the admission process are to be found in the Admission Regulations for Third-cycle Studies at Mälardalen University.
Apply for Third-cycle Studies
More information
If you are interested in studying at third-cycle level, please contact the coordinator for third-cycle studies:
Individual study plan at third-cycle level (ISP)
Before admission every doctoral student shall have an individual study plan (ISP). The individual study plan is an important document which contains the concrete performance requirements made on the doctoral student.
The individual study plan is an important document for the doctoral student as well as for the University. Therefore the concrete performance requirements made on the doctoral student, the supervisor and the School must be well documented. The plan for the upcoming year’s work shall be well detailed and the funding plan shall be valid for the entire period of study. The individual study plan shall be followed up annually and revised at a planning meeting between the doctoral student and the supervisor. In addition to this it shall be revised in connection with each major change of the conditions for the studies.
When the plan has been revised, reviewed by LKA and ratified by the Faculty Board, the doctoral student, principal supervisor and the Dean of School shall certify with their signatures that they have read and approved of the plan. The ratified and signed study plan shall then be sent in to LKA for archiving.
Web-based system for ISP
The individual study plan is uploaded in a web-based system. So that a new doctoral student can obtain access to a personal account, the principal supervisor can contact the School’s coordinator for third-cycle studies, who will create an account
Log in ISP system External link.
Credit transfer for third-cycle studies
Previously completed higher education programmes or higher education modules may be credit transferred. The Dean of School takes decisions on whether a higher education programme or module may be credit transferred.
For local provisions regarding credit transfers, see the regulations for third-cycle studies. Applications for credit transfers for third-cycle studies are to be made on the form below, used for the following varieties of credit transfer:
- credit transfer of previously completed education or activity, in connection with, or after, admission to third-cycle studies.
- credit transfer of courses/components which replace compulsory courses/components.
- credit transfer of completed courses/components lacking prior approval of the principal supervisor.
- credit transfer of courses/components examined at another HEI.
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