Research ethics and good research practice
When you conduct research, you must ensure that your project is conducted in accordance with good research practice and that the data that your project collects or is based on is handled correctly. You are obliged to comply with a number of regulations and before you start your research, you need to have the necessary permits and approvals.
The Ethics Council
The Ethics Council is tasked with the University’s overall responsibility for working with ethical matters at the University, and acts on behalf of the Vice-Chancellor. The Advisory Ethics Committee serves in an advisory capacity to the University Management in questions concerning ethics
The Act on Responsibility for Good Research Practice and the Examination of Research Misconduct
On 1 January 2020 a new Act (2019:504) on responsibility for good research practice and the examination of research misconduct came into force. The Act states that the individual researcher is responsible for compliance with good research practice in their research, at the same time as the Higher Education Institution has the overarching responsibility for research being conducted in accordance with good research practice.