
Doctoral student influence

Student influence is regulated in the Higher Education Act (1992:1434) and the Higher Education Ordinance (1993:100), which state, among other things, that students have the right to exercise influence over their education and that the University must work to ensure that they take an active part in the work of further developing their education. The students are also expected to take an active part in the work of developing and improving their education. As a doctoral student, you are included in the concept of student.

Student representation

As a doctoral student, you can be a member of the University's preparatory and decision-making bodies and thus exercise student influence. For more information on how to become a doctoral student representative, please contact Mälardalen Student Union or the Doctoral Student Council directly.

Course evaluation and course analysis

As part of the continuous quality assurance work at the University, you as a doctoral student must be given the opportunity to provide feedback on the courses you are taking through course evaluations and thanks to your feedback you become part of further developing courses for future doctoral students. The University must also compile the course evaluations and conduct a course analysis.

Doctoral student survey

At the University, a doctoral student survey is conducted every two years with the aim of getting an overall picture of how you as a doctoral student experience your doctoral education. This is done as part of being able to ensure the quality of the education and to be able to identify areas for development.