Course syllabus - Biomedical Engineering
7.5 credits
Course code
Valid from
Autumn semester 2013
Education level
Second cycle
Progressive Specialisation
A1N (Second cycle, has only first-cycle course/s as entry requirements).
Main area(s)
School of Innovation, Design and Engineering
Literature lists
Course literature is preliminary up to 8 weeks before course start. Course literature can be valid over several semesters.
Introduction to biomedical equipment technology
4th ed. : Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 2001 - xv, 743 s.
ISBN: 0-13-010492-2 LIBRIS-ID: 4548011
Reference Literature
Jacobsons Medicin och teknik
5., [rev. och omarb.] uppl. : Lund : Studentlitteratur, 2006 - 580 s.
ISBN: 91-44-04760-6 (inb.) LIBRIS-ID: 10203566
This course gives a survey of the subject Biomedical Engineering and treats measurements of biosignals, physiological diagnostics, therapeutic interventions, radiology, medical informatics and telemedicine. Especially, the complex models of measuring systems that arises with the registration of physiological parameters are explored.
Learning outcomes
The student shall after completion of the course be able to:
-describe the physical principles behind, the risks with, and the field of application for different imaging techniques, as ultra sound, x-ray, gamma camera and magnetic resonance imaging; -describe the physical principles behind the origin of pressure and flow in the human body and different measurement methods for these parameters
- read, understand, and critically review, and orally and written summarize a scientific article in a chosen area within the course -describe the origin of actionpotential and how these can be registered on the skin, and understand the relation between actionpotentials and the methods for registration of heart, brain, and muscle activity
- show understanding of the difficulties that registrations of small electrical signals implies and how consideration for these are taken
- describe the use and function of medical measurement and treatment methods used in health care, as ECG, pacemaker, defibrillator, diathermy, EEG, EMG, and ENG
- describe the risks with electronic equipment in the vicinity of and connected to patients and how these risks can be minimized
- show deeper knowledge in a chosen area, knowledge that shall be shown through a well performed orally presentation and a written report
Course content
This course gives a survey of the subject Biomedical Engineering and treats measurements of biosignals, physiological diagnostics, therapeutic interventions, radiology, medical informatics and telemedicine. Further, the complex models of measuring systems that arises with the registration of physiological parameters are explored.
Lecturers and projects
Specific requirements
At least 90 ECTS credits in Computer Science and/or Electronics. In addition Swedish course B/Swedish course 3 and English course A/English course 6 are required. For courses given entirely in English exemption is made from the requirement in Swedish course B/Swedish course 3.
Project (PRO1), 2 credits, marks Pass (G)
Seminar (SEM1), 2 credits, marks Pass (G)
Examination (TEN1), 3,5 credits, marks 3, 4 or 5
A student who has a certificate from MDU regarding a disability has the opportunity to submit a request for supportive measures during written examinations or other forms of examination, in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for Examinations at First-cycle and Second-cycle Level at Mälardalen University (2020/1655). It is the examiner who takes decisions on any supportive measures, based on what kind of certificate is issued, and in that case which measures are to be applied.
Suspicions of attempting to deceive in examinations (cheating) are reported to the Vice-Chancellor, in accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance, and are examined by the University’s Disciplinary Board. If the Disciplinary Board considers the student to be guilty of a disciplinary offence, the Board will take a decision on disciplinary action, which will be a warning or suspension.
Pass with distinction, Pass with credit, Pass, Fail