Kursplan - Business Projects in a European Perspective
7.5 hp
Giltig från
Vårtermin 2021
Successiv fördjupning
G2F (Grundnivå, har minst 60 hp kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav).
Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik
Kurslitteraturen är preliminär till 8 veckor innan kursstart. Kurslitteratur kan vara giltig över flera terminer.
The aim of the course is to contribute to knowledge of strategic issues at an international market and after the course the students should have an improved ability to work with project related issues in practical and improved ability regarding written and oral presentation. Furthermore, the aim is to give the students the possibility to work in a multicultural environment.
After the course the student shall be able to
- demonstrate the ability to integrate knowledge and handle complexity when evaluating different alternatives concerning a company's strategy in certain context
- demonstrate an integrated knowledge of strategy in an European perspective
- apply theories and models from the course literature - and other collected and scrutinized material - to an organization in order to describe and analyze their strategy formulate judgments with incomplete data concerning strategy;
- communicate and present (both orally and in writing) his/her conclusions and underpinnings (on the above mentioned learning outcomes), to specialist and non-specialist international audiences clearly and unambiguously
- peer-review the work of fellow students as well as argue for and discuss about his/her own contribution in each learning activity,
- study in a manner that is largely self-directed and autonomous, which means that the student is expected to take responsibility for his/her own studies, and also indirectly for other students' learning and development by taking an active part in different course activities
The course deals with the different kinds of problems that management in international environment faces and the strategies they consider in order to act on their markets, as well as scientific approach to study of international markets.
At the beginning of the course students prepare different tasks as a group work at their home university. This is the data used during the intensive week at the institution responsible for organizing the course. During the intensive week the students are working in multicultural groups preparing a report about the field of studies that is yearly chosen to be discussed.
Lectures, seminars, presentations and tutoring. In this course there is an extensive use of Internet - as a place to communicate and discuss between students and teachers.
Särskild behörighet
Företagsekonomi 60 hp med successiv fördjupning, varav minst 45 hp ska vara godkända vid kursstart. Av dessa ska minst 30 hp ligga på nivå G1N, vari minst 5 hp grundläggande ekonomistyrning måste ingå, samt minst 15 hp på nivå G1F.
Report and Project (PRO1), 7,5 hp. Betyg Utmärkt (A), Mycket bra (B), Bra (C), Tillfredsställande (D), Tillräcklig (E), Otillräcklig, komplettering möjlig (Fx), Otillräcklig (F)
En student som har ett intyg från MDU avseende sin funktionsnedsättning har möjlighet att anmäla önskemål om anpassning vid salstentamina eller annan examinationsform i enlighet med Regler och anvisningar för examination på grundnivå och avancerad nivå vid Mälardalens högskola (2020/1655). Det är examinator som, utifrån det intyg som utfärdats, beslutar om eventuell anpassning och i så fall vilken anpassning som ska gälla.
Misstankar om vilseledande vid examination (fusk) anmäls, enligt högskoleförordningen, till universitetets rektor och prövas av universitetets disciplinnämnd. Om disciplinnämnden anser att en student gjort sig skyldig till en disciplinförseelse fattar nämnden beslut om en disciplinär åtgärd, vilket är varning eller avstängning.
Utmärkt, mycket bra, bra, tillfredsställande, tillräcklig, otillräcklig - komplettering möjlig, otillräcklig
Övergångsbestämmelser och övriga föreskrifter
Överlappar med FOA207.