Kursplan - Social omsorg i socialt arbete
7.5 hp
Giltig från
Vårtermin 2019
Successiv fördjupning
G2F (Grundnivå, har minst 60 hp kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav).
Socialt arbete
Akademin för hälsa, vård och välfärd
Denna kursplan är inte aktuell och ges inte längre
Kurslitteraturen är preliminär till 8 veckor innan kursstart. Kurslitteratur kan vara giltig över flera terminer.
Policy language in the care for the aged in Japan and Sweden : - Does it reflect or steer ideology?
Ingår i:
New tools in welfare research
Aarhus : NSU press, 2013 - 359 s.
ISBN: 9788787564977 LIBRIS-ID: 14701459
URL: Länk
Disability studies : an interdisciplinary introduction
2nd ed. : Los Angeles, CA : Sage, 2017
ISBN: 9781446280676 LIBRIS-ID: 22614219
Bodyminds reimagined : (dis)ability, race, and gender in black women's speculative fiction
Durham : Duke University Press, 2018 - x, 180 pages
ISBN: 9780822370888 LIBRIS-ID: 22683132
Ageing and caring as couples with disabilities
Linköping : Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies : NISAL (National Institute for the Study of Ageing and Later Life), 2014 - vii, 82 s.
ISBN: 9789175194103 LIBRIS-ID: 15975106
URL: Sammanfattning och ramberättelse från Linköping University Electronic Press
Expressions of identity and self in daily life at a group home for older persons with dementia in Japan
Care Management Journals 2015. Vol. 16 ( 2), p 64-78. Springer Publishing Company,
URL: Länk
I´m too old to think five years ahead. Parent carers of adult children with intellectual disabilities in Sweden
ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research 11 (2017) 155-167, 2017
Shaping social situations: A hidden aspect of care work in nursing homes
Journal of Aging Studies 2013. 27 . P 419-427. NOVA Norwegian Social Research, Box 3223 Elisenberg, N-0208 Oslo, Norway,
Building on users' knowledge as a basis for professional expertise? An example from Swedish social care services
European Journal of Social Work, 2015, 18:5, 718-730, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2014.934662,
URL: Länk
Introducing an Equal Rights Framework for Older Persons in Residential Care
The Gerontologist, 2015, Vol. 00, No. 00, p 17, doi:10.1093/geront/gnv039 Forum,
The ethics of care, dependence, and disability
Ratio Juris 24(1), 49-58, 2011
A matter of love and labour? Parents working as personal assistants for their adult disabled children
Nordic Social Work Research, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1, 3852, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2156857X.2015.1099116,
URL: Länk
Processing older persons as clients in elderly care: A study of the micro-processes of care management practice
Social Work in Health Care, 2017
An observation study of power practices and participation in group homes for people with intellectual disability
Disability & Society, 1-23, 2019
Understandings of participation in daily activity services among people with intellectual disabilities: a pedagogical sociocultural perspective
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 23(2), 203-2015, 2017
Understanding disabling barriers: a fruitful partnership between Disability Studies and social practices?
Disability & Society, 2017
Handling the Dilemma of Self-Determination and Dementia: A Study of Case Managers Discursive Strategies in Assessment Meetings
Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 58(6), 613-636, 2015
SFS 1993:387. Act concerning support and services for persons with certain functional impairments
Stockholm, Sweden: National Board of Health and Welfare,
Swedish disability policy. Services and care for people with functional impairments
Stockholm, Sweden: The National Board of Health and Welfare, 2009
Perspectives on care at home for older people
London : Routledge, cop. 2012 - xiii, 193 s.
ISBN: 9780415895903 LIBRIS-ID: 12298840
Spirituality and Religion in End-of-Life Care Ethics: The Challenge of Interfaith and Cross-Generational
The British Journal of Social Work, 2015
URL: Länk
On the Rationality of Caring. Meeting the Challenges of Elder Care Japan and Norway
P 1-20. Eds Yayoi Saito, Reiko Abe Auestad and Kari Waerness. Kyoto University Press and Transpacific press: Kyoto and Melbourne,
Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for persons with certain functional impairments
Socialstyrelsen/ National Board of Health and Welfare, 2006
Swedish disability policy. Services and care for people with functional impairments
Socialstyrelsen/ National Board of Health and Welfare, 2009
Policy language in the care for the aged in Japan and Sweden : - Does it reflect or steer ideology?
Ingår i:
New tools in welfare research
Aarhus : NSU press, 2013 - 359 s.
ISBN: 9788787564977 LIBRIS-ID: 14701459
URL: Länk
Ageing and caring as couples with disabilities
Linköping : Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies : NISAL (National Institute for the Study of Ageing and Later Life), 2014 - vii, 82 s.
ISBN: 9789175194103 LIBRIS-ID: 15975106
URL: Sammanfattning och ramberättelse från Linköping University Electronic Press
Expressions of identity and self in daily life at a group home for older persons with dementia in Japan
Care Management Journals 2015. Vol. 16 ( 2), p 64-78. Springer Publishing Company,
URL: Länk
I´m too old to think five years ahead. Parent carers of adult children with intellectual disabilities in Sweden
ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research 11 (2017) 155-167, 2017
Shaping social situations: A hidden aspect of care work in nursing homes
Journal of Aging Studies 2013. 27 . P 419-427. NOVA Norwegian Social Research, Box 3223 Elisenberg, N-0208 Oslo, Norway,
Building on users' knowledge as a basis for professional expertise? An example from Swedish social care services
European Journal of Social Work, 2015, 18:5, 718-730, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2014.934662,
URL: Länk
Introducing an Equal Rights Framework for Older Persons in Residential Care
The Gerontologist, 2015, Vol. 00, No. 00, p 17, doi:10.1093/geront/gnv039 Forum,
A matter of love and labour? Parents working as personal assistants for their adult disabled children
Nordic Social Work Research, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1, 3852, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2156857X.2015.1099116,
URL: Länk
Processing older persons as clients in elderly care: A study of the micro-processes of care management practice
Social Work in Health Care, 2017
An observation study of power practices and participation in group homes for people with intellectual disability
Disability & Society, 2019
URL: Länk
Disability-policy models in European welfare regimes: comparing the distribution of social protection, labour-market integration and civil rights
Disability & Society, 2017
Understanding disabling barriers: a fruitful partnership between Disability Studies and social practices?
Disability & Society, 2017
Handling the Dilemma of Self-Determination and Dementia: A Study of Case Managers Discursive Strategies in Assessment Meetings
Journal of Gerontological Social Work, 58(6), 613-636, 2015
Perspectives on care at home for older people
London : Routledge, cop. 2012 - xiii, 193 s.
ISBN: 9780415895903 LIBRIS-ID: 12298840
Employment officers' assessments of employment prospects for persons with physical disability: Structural discrimination on the basis of gender and country of birth
Disability Studies Quarterly, 2016
URL: Länk
Spirituality and Religion in End-of-Life Care Ethics: The Challenge of Interfaith and Cross-Generational
The British Journal of Social Work, 2015
URL: Länk
On the Rationality of Caring. Meeting the Challenges of Elder Care Japan and Norway
P 1-20. Eds Yayoi Saito, Reiko Abe Auestad and Kari Waerness. Kyoto University Press and Transpacific press: Kyoto and Melbourne,
Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for persons with certain functional impairments
Socialstyrelsen/ National Board of Health and Welfare, 2006
Swedish disability policy. Services and care for people with functional impairments
Socialstyrelsen/ National Board of Health and Welfare, 2009
Policy language in the care for the aged in Japan and Sweden : - Does it reflect or steer ideology?
Ingår i:
New tools in welfare research
Aarhus : NSU press, 2013 - 359 s.
ISBN: 9788787564977 LIBRIS-ID: 14701459
URL: Länk
Ageing and caring as couples with disabilities
Linköping : Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies : NISAL (National Institute for the Study of Ageing and Later Life), 2014 - vii, 82 s.
ISBN: 9789175194103 LIBRIS-ID: 15975106
URL: Sammanfattning och ramberättelse från Linköping University Electronic Press
Expressions of identity and self in daily life at a group home for older persons with dementia in Japan
Care Management Journals 2015. Vol. 16 ( 2), p 64-78. Springer Publishing Company,
URL: Länk
I´m too old to think five years ahead. Parent carers of adult children with intellectual disabilities in Sweden
ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research 11 (2017) 155-167, 2017
Shaping social situations: A hidden aspect of care work in nursing homes
Journal of Aging Studies 2013. 27 . P 419-427. NOVA Norwegian Social Research, Box 3223 Elisenberg, N-0208 Oslo, Norway,
Building on users' knowledge as a basis for professional expertise? An example from Swedish social care services
European Journal of Social Work, 2015, 18:5, 718-730, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2014.934662,
URL: Länk
Introducing an Equal Rights Framework for Older Persons in Residential Care
The Gerontologist, 2015, Vol. 00, No. 00, p 17, doi:10.1093/geront/gnv039 Forum,
A matter of love and labour? Parents working as personal assistants for their adult disabled children
Nordic Social Work Research, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1, 3852, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2156857X.2015.1099116,
URL: Länk
Processing older persons as clients in elderly care: A study of the micro-processes of care management practice
Social Work in Health Care, 2017
Disability-policy models in European welfare regimes: comparing the distribution of social protection, labour-market integration and civil rights
Disability & Society, 2017
Understanding disabling barriers: a fruitful partnership between Disability Studies and social practices?
Disability & Society, 2017
Perspectives on care at home for older people
London : Routledge, cop. 2012 - xiii, 193 s.
ISBN: 9780415895903 LIBRIS-ID: 12298840
Employment officers' assessments of employment prospects for persons with physical disability: Structural discrimination on the basis of gender and country of birth
Disability Studies Quarterly, 2016
URL: Länk
Spirituality and Religion in End-of-Life Care Ethics: The Challenge of Interfaith and Cross-Generational
The British Journal of Social Work, 2015
URL: Länk
Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for persons with certain functional impairments
Socialstyrelsen/ National Board of Health and Welfare, 2006
Swedish disability policy. Services and care for people with functional impairments
Socialstyrelsen/ National Board of Health and Welfare, 2009
On the Rationality of Caring. Meeting the Challenges of Elder Care Japan and Norway
P 1-20. Eds Yayoi Saito, Reiko Abe Auestad and Kari Waerness. Kyoto University Press and Transpacific press: Kyoto and Melbourne,
Policy language in the care for the aged in Japan and Sweden : - Does it reflect or steer ideology?
Ingår i:
New tools in welfare research
Aarhus : NSU press, 2013 - 359 s.
ISBN: 9788787564977 LIBRIS-ID: 14701459
URL: Länk
Expressions of identity and self in daily life at a group home for older persons with dementia in Japan
Care Management Journals 2015. Vol. 16 ( 2), p 64-78. Springer Publishing Company,
URL: Länk
Shaping social situations: A hidden aspect of care work in nursing homes
Journal of Aging Studies 2013. 27 . P 419-427. NOVA Norwegian Social Research, Box 3223 Elisenberg, N-0208 Oslo, Norway,
Building on users' knowledge as a basis for professional expertise? An example from Swedish social care services
European Journal of Social Work, 2015, 18:5, 718-730, DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2014.934662,
URL: Länk
Introducing an Equal Rights Framework for Older Persons in Residential Care
The Gerontologist, 2015, Vol. 00, No. 00, p 17, doi:10.1093/geront/gnv039 Forum,
A matter of love and labour? Parents working as personal assistants for their adult disabled children
Nordic Social Work Research, 2016, Vol. 6, No. 1, 3852, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/2156857X.2015.1099116,
URL: Länk
Ageing and caring as couples with disabilities
Linköping : Linköping University, Department of Social and Welfare Studies : NISAL (National Institute for the Study of Ageing and Later Life), 2014 - vii, 82 s.
ISBN: 9789175194103 LIBRIS-ID: 15975106
URL: Sammanfattning och ramberättelse från Linköping University Electronic Press
I´m too old to think five years ahead. Parent carers of adult children with intellectual disabilities in Sweden
ALTER, European Journal of Disability Research 11 (2017) 155-167, 2017
Processing older persons as clients in elderly care: A study of the micro-processes of care management practice
Social Work in Health Care, 2017
Disability-policy models in European welfare regimes: comparing the distribution of social protection, labour-market integration and civil rights
Disability & Society, 2017
The Rationality of Caring
Economic and Industrial Democracy Vol.5 (p185-211). SAGE: London, 1984
Understanding disabling barriers: a fruitful partnership between Disability Studies and social practices?
Disability & Society, 2017
Ytterligare artiklar kan tillkomma.
Perspectives on care at home for older people
London : Routledge, cop. 2012 - xiii, 193 s.
ISBN: 9780415895903 LIBRIS-ID: 12298840
Employment officers' assessments of employment prospects for persons with physical disability: Structural discrimination on the basis of gender and country of birth
Disability Studies Quarterly, 2016
URL: Länk
Spirituality and Religion in End-of-Life Care Ethics: The Challenge of Interfaith and Cross-Generational
The British Journal of Social Work, 2015
URL: Länk
Act (1993:387) concerning support and service for persons with certain functional impairments
Socialstyrelsen/ National Board of Health and Welfare, 2006
Swedish disability policy. Services and care for people with functional impairments
Socialstyrelsen/ National Board of Health and Welfare, 2009
Kursens syftar till att studenten ska skaffa sig fördjupade kunskaper om social omsorg som en integrerad del av socialt arbete. Vidare syftar kursen till att studenten ska söka aktuell forskning och utveckla mångdimensionella kunskaper om de två kategorier som traditionellt fokuseras inom social omsorg: äldre vuxna med hjälpbehov samt personer med funktionsnedsättningar.
Efter avslutad kurs ska studenten kunna:
Kunskap och förståelse
1 redogöra för och diskutera teoretiska perspektiv på social omsorg
2 beskriva och förstå socialt omsorgsarbete rörande personer sent i livet och personer med funktionsnedsättningar
Färdighet och förmåga
3 självständigt söka, sammanställa och analysera resultat från aktuell forskning inom området social omsorg
4 diskutera omsorgens differentiering under livsloppet, från barndom till ålderdom, för personer med funktionsnedsättning
5 reflektera över åldrandets psykosociala och existentiella aspekter i relation till biståndsbedömningens praktik
Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt
6 granska och värdera aktuell lagstiftning, riktlinjer och dokumentationssystem för biståndsbedömning utifrån omsorgstagarnas och anhörigas perspektiv på omsorgens innehåll och utformning
7 uppvisa ett etiskt gott förhållningssätt i möjliga dilemman som professionella inom social omsorg kan komma att ställas inför i mötet med omsorgstagare, utifrån skillnader i perspektiv och handlingsutrymme
Begrepp och teoretiska perspektiv på social omsorg i relation till socialt arbete
Mångdimensionella perspektiv på social omsorg och olika målgrupper; exempelvis den sociala omsorgens organisering i relation till åldrandet hos personer med funktionsnedsättning
Livsloppsperspektiv som analysmetod för att förstå åldrandet utifrån samhälleliga och individuella faktorer
Att mäta och bedöma fysiska, psykologiska, existentiella och sociala behov
Lagstiftning, policy och riktlinjer inom social omsorg, gällande personer med funktionsnedsättningar och äldre vuxna i behov av omsorgsinsatser samt deras anhöriga/närstående
Socionomens handlingsutrymme utifrån socialtjänstens system och professionella teorier i mötet med personer som är berättigade till sociala omsorgsinsatser
Social omsorg i Sverige och internationellt - insikter från jämförande studier
Särskild behörighet
75 hp inom Socionomprogrammet eller motsvarande.
INL2, Inlämningsuppgift, 2,5 hp, individuell inlämningsuppgift. Lärandemål 5-7, betyg Underkänd (U), Godkänd (G) eller Väl Godkänd (VG).
INL4, Inlämningsuppgift, 2,5 hp, individuell inlämningsuppgift. Lärande mål 1-5, betyg Underkänd (U), Godkänd (G) eller Väl Godkänd (VG).
OBN1, Obligatorisk närvaro, 0,5 hp, vid minst 75% av kursens föreläsningar och gruppövningar. Frånvaro kompletteras enligt särskilda anvisningar, betyg Underkänd (U) eller Godkänd (G).
SEM2, Seminarium, 2 hp, skriftlig och muntlig redovisning i grupp. Lärandemål 1-7, betyg Underkänd (U) eller Godkänd (G).
För betyget Väl Godkänd på kursen krävs VG på INL2 och INL4 och G på övriga moment. För närmare anvisningar se studiehandledningen.
En student som har ett intyg från MDU avseende sin funktionsnedsättning har möjlighet att anmäla önskemål om anpassning vid salstentamina eller annan examinationsform i enlighet med Regler och anvisningar för examination på grundnivå och avancerad nivå vid Mälardalens högskola (2020/1655). Det är examinator som, utifrån det intyg som utfärdats, beslutar om eventuell anpassning och i så fall vilken anpassning som ska gälla.
Misstankar om vilseledande vid examination (fusk) anmäls, enligt högskoleförordningen, till universitetets rektor och prövas av universitetets disciplinnämnd. Om disciplinnämnden anser att en student gjort sig skyldig till en disciplinförseelse fattar nämnden beslut om en disciplinär åtgärd, vilket är varning eller avstängning.
Väl godkänd, godkänd, underkänd