Kursplan - Statistics for Business
15 hp
Giltig från
Hösttermin 2013
Successiv fördjupning
G1N (Grundnivå, har endast gymnasiala förkunskapskrav).
Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik
Denna kursplan är inte aktuell och ges inte längre
Kurslitteraturen är preliminär till 8 veckor innan kursstart. Kurslitteratur kan vara giltig över flera terminer.
Statistical techniques in business & economics
15. ed., internat. student ed. : New York, NY. : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, cop. 2012 - xxix, 844 s.
ISBN: 978-0-07-713266-8 LIBRIS-ID: 12128014
Statistical techniques in business & economics
15. ed., internat. student ed. : New York, NY. : McGraw-Hill/Irwin, cop. 2012 - xxix, 844 s.
ISBN: 978-0-07-713266-8 LIBRIS-ID: 12128014
A key challenge facing decision makers is the interpretation of the vast amount of data generated in the world of business today. Modern computing systems now produce large volumes of information whereas previously one could often only rely upon intuition and guesses.
The course will apply various statistical methods to managerial decisions, in fields of economics, market research, marketing, financial analysis, accounting, auditing, personnel selection, government relations, information services, quality improvement of products and services, production process improvement, and research and development.
Upon completion of this course, students will be expected to understand the nature and consequences of natural variability in data; express a problem in statistical terms; summarize data graphically and statistically, either manually or via a computer package; to use a sample to gain inference about the population from which the sample was taken; estimate and test parameters; understand and interpret economic index numbers; understand the nature of a time series, how it is analyzed and used for forecasting purposes; and understand basic statistical terminology in published material.
Topics include populations and samples; the presentation and interpretation of data; measures of central tendency and variability; basic probability; the binomial, hypergeometric and normal distributions; estimation and hypothesis testing; index numbers; simple and multiple regression and correlation; time series analyses and forecasting. Statistical software is used to extensively analyze real world economic data.
Lectures combined with exercises and laboratory work. Statistical software is an important learning tool when studying probabilities, computer simulation and descriptive statistics and some exercises will use this means of assistance.
Engelska B, Matematik C (områdesbehörighet 4 med förändring) eller Engelska 6, Matematik 3b/3c (områdesbehörighet A4 med förändring).
Tentamen (TEN3), 15 hp, betyg Godkänd (G) eller Väl Godkänd (VG)
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