Kursplan - Nordic Perspectives on Marketing and Management
15 hp
Giltig från
Hösttermin 2013
Successiv fördjupning
G2F (Grundnivå, har minst 60 hp kurs/er på grundnivå som förkunskapskrav).
Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik
Kurslitteraturen är preliminär till 8 veckor innan kursstart. Kurslitteratur kan vara giltig över flera terminer.
Service management and marketing : customer management in service competition
3. ed. : Chichester : Wiley, cop. 2007 - 483 s.
ISBN: 0470028629 (hft.) LIBRIS-ID: 10324824
URL: Länk
Compendium International Business Culture
Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik,
Classic Industrial Marketing in a Network Perspective
Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik,
Relationship Marketing
Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik,
- to provide knowledge about marketing and management from a cross culture perspective
- to provide understanding and awareness about business culture in general and how it affects communication between people from different countries and backgrounds.
- to increase the understanding of the concept service quality by explaining different aspects of service management and marketing seen from the customers, the employers and the employees points of view
- to provide knowledge of differences between marketing of services and goods
- to provide knowledge of how to handle and evaluate stability, changes and relationships in industrial networks
- to provide knowledge about decision processes in industrial marketing from a network point of view
- to provide insights into relationships analyses as regards to various production technologies and products
International Business Culture
- to be able to explain general principles of international business culture such as; understanding of the meaning of culture in general, characteristics about business culture, business culture problems, differences, dynamics, assumptions and actual behaviour
- to be able to compare marketing and management in the Nordic countries with other countries from a global and cultural perspective
Service Management and Marketing
- to be able to manage service competition by help of established service management and marketing principles and models
- to be able to apply service quality aspects in the management of productivity in service organizations
Industrial Marketing in a Network Perspective
- to be able to analyse relationships of industrial companies, where these are perceived as parts of a larger network.
- to be able to use the interaction model and other relevants industrial concepts in order to make problem identifications, analyses and suggested actions with emphasis to the marketing situation
- to be able to write an analysis of an industrial business case in a group together with other students.
- in making the case analysis the students ought to be able to find strategic choices, which are represented by the companies in the case and in the course literature, explain why it has evolved as it did and how this could affect possible future actions from other companies in the network.
The course consists of four parts:
Part 1 International Business Culture
Part 2 Service and Relationship Marketing
Part 3 Industrial Marketing in a Network Perspective
Part 4 Case-work in International Business Culture, Service
Teaching is given in the form of lectures, tutorials, presentations and seminars. The seminars are compulsory.
Särskild behörighet
Företagsekonomi 60 hp med successiv fördjupning, varav minst 45 hp ska vara godkända vid kursstart. Av dessa ska minst 30 hp ligga på nivå G1N, vari minst 5 hp grundläggande ekonomistyrning måste ingå, samt minst 15 hp på nivå G1F. Dessutom krävs En B.
PM (PM02), 5 högskolepoäng, betyg Godkänd (G) eller Väl Godkänd (VG)
Tentamen (TEN3), 5 högskolepoäng, betyg Godkänd (G) eller Väl Godkänd (VG)
Tentamen (TEN4), 5 högskolepoäng, betyg Godkänd (G) eller Väl Godkänd (VG)
En student som har ett intyg från MDU avseende sin funktionsnedsättning har möjlighet att anmäla önskemål om anpassning vid salstentamina eller annan examinationsform i enlighet med Regler och anvisningar för examination på grundnivå och avancerad nivå vid Mälardalens högskola (2020/1655). Det är examinator som, utifrån det intyg som utfärdats, beslutar om eventuell anpassning och i så fall vilken anpassning som ska gälla.
Misstankar om vilseledande vid examination (fusk) anmäls, enligt högskoleförordningen, till universitetets rektor och prövas av universitetets disciplinnämnd. Om disciplinnämnden anser att en student gjort sig skyldig till en disciplinförseelse fattar nämnden beslut om en disciplinär åtgärd, vilket är varning eller avstängning.
Väl godkänd, godkänd, underkänd
Övergångsbestämmelser och övriga föreskrifter
Two separate written examinations covering the course literature (Part 1+2 and Part 3) and five case seminars. covering different aspects of cultural, service, relationship and network marketing. During these seminars marketing problems will be presented and discussed. All written examinations and seminars are conducted in the English language.
Both Swedish and ECTS marks are given. The Swedish marks are Pass (Godkänd), Pass with Distinction (Väl godkänd) or Fail (Underkänd) for the whole course (15 ECTS-points). The Swedish marks and the ECTS-marks for the whole course will be based on the balanced result of the two individual written exams (5+5 ECTS-points) and the case seminars (5 ECTS). The case seminars, done by a group of 3-4 students, must also be passed in order to obtain a final mark for the whole course. All parts of the course can have the marks Pass with the Distinction, Pass or Fail.