Grundkurs i mikroekonomi
"At the heart of economics is a scientific mystery...a scientific mystery as deep, fundamental, and inspiring as that of the expanding universe or the forces that bind matter…How is order produced from freedom of choice?" Vernon Smith
"Inspired by this mystery and by how economists have begun to solve it"? Cowen and Tabarrok
Microeconomics is a branch of economics that starts by studying the rationale behind the choices of individual consumers and producers. In this first course of microeconomics, you will explore the principles that govern individual economic decision-making, market interactions, and the allocation of resources. Through lectures, exercises, and real-world applications, you will gain a solid foundation in microeconomic theory and its practical implications.
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Hösttermin 2024
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7.5 hp
2024-09-02 - 2024-11-10 (deltid 50%)
Fristående kurs, Programkurs
Grundläggande behörighet samt Engelska 6, Matematik 3b eller 3c eller Matematik C
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