
  • Högskolepoäng 7.5  hp
  • Utbildningsnivå Grundnivå
  • Studieort Västerås
  • Kurskod NAA142
  • Huvudområde Nationalekonomi

"Microeconomics is one of humanity's most useful and important intellectual contributions. What you have learned about the subject in this course can serve you extremely well in life if you will let it. One cannot help but be struck by the thought that if the rest of the world knew as much about economics as you now do after completing microeconomics, we would all be a lot better off." Goolsbee, Levitt, Syverson

With this second course of microeconomics, you will learn how microeconomics principles can be used to analyze, explain, and suggest optimal solutions within various economic topics, such as market forms and firms' interactions, factor markets, and market failures. You will gain a deeper understanding of how economic theory can be used to inform decision making and drive positive change in society.

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Hösttermin 2024

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