Organizing Experience Feedback Loops for Production Innovation (FeedInn)
The objective of the FeedInn-project is to develop systematic processes, work methods and management practices so as to better organise feedback loops that can strengthen capability in managing production innovation projects.
Projektansvarig vid MDU
Description of the project
It is a two-year project that will run to July 2018, driven in collaboration by Mälardalen University, Volvo Construction Equipment and Bombardier Transportation. The project will develop knowledge to systematically collect and organise experience feedback within operations between: phases of industrialisation process, projects, departments and factories. This can help with managing newness in a wide range of industrialisation projects.
The project employs an interactive research approach to generate knowledge that has both scientific and practical impact. The project will conduct a mixed-methods study, eliciting qualitative data via surveys, workshops, focus groups, and subsequent multiple case studies.
The project strengthens the on-going research work in IPR in the fields of production system development, process innovation, and knowledge management. In addition, the topic of experience feedback loops, by linking organizational theories of production system development, and project-based learning, will increase the breadth of the IPR research profile.