
Digitala och cirkulära industriella tjänster


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LEAD - Lean Automation Development

The ideas of this reserach project is to adopt a lean perspective to the automation development processes. The objective is to develop support to the process of developing automation and hence contribute to sustainable automation solutions, with shorter and less resource demanding development processes, and higher return of investments.

Projektansvarig vid MDU

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Description of the project

The process of developing automation is often time consuming, costly, and difficult to manage. This due to: insufficient procurements skills; difficulties deciding on appropriate solution; and unclear, unstructured, and poorly supported automation development process.

The ideas of this reserach project is to adopt a lean perspective to the automation development processes. The objective is to develop support to the process of developing automation and hence contribute to sustainable automation solutions, with shorter and less resource demanding development processes, and higher return of investments.

There are three work packages in the project:
WP1: Improvement of the process of planning, developing and acquiring automation
WP2: The development of an automation strategy model supporting automation decisions
WP3: The standardization and specification of IT-support

The expected result is besides acadmic publications an industrial automation handbook including models, methods, guidelines and tools that support the process of developing automation.