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KLOSS - Kunskapsutbyte och Lärande Om Strategisk Samverkan

Swedish higher education institutions need to strengthen its strategic capability in the work of the interaction with the surrounding community. By the KLOSS project we want to create an arena in which institutions support each other in efforts to design and implement new methods, tools and models for long-term collaboration that will strengthen research, education and development.

Projektansvarig vid MDU

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Description of the project

Swedish higher education institutions need to strengthen its strategic capability in the work of the interaction with the surrounding community. By the KLOSS project we want to create an arena in which institutions support each other in efforts to design and implement new methods, tools and models for long-term collaboration that will strengthen research, education and development.

The project's starting point is that by systematizing previous experience of working with collaboration issues can provide (our own as well as others) institutions with valuable starting points for further work. You could describe this as the project refines a series of building blocks in the form of tools for strategic collaboration. These are made available to a wider audience in order to make it possible for Swedish universities to build up its internal work on collaboration to greater heights and with more solid foundation than before.