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EQUIP: User-Supplier integration in production equipment design

The project focuses on an integrated user-supplier approach when designing production equipment, implying preconditions for creating more sustainable production equipment than today contributing to the overall requirements of achieving sustainable and competitive production systems.

Projektansvarig vid MDU

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Description of the project

Among a wide range of industries it is increasingly acknowledged that superior production equipment capabilities are crucial for competitive success. However, the process of designing the production equipment has received surprisingly limited attention, ignoring its extensive potential for gaining a competitive edge. The EQUIP project focuses on an integrated user-supplier approach when designing production equipment, implying preconditions for creating more sustainable production equipment than today contributing to the overall requirements of achieving sustainable and competitive production systems.

The support from literature for integrating equipment suppliers in the early phases, i.e. in specification of requirements and in the concept generation and evaluation is limited, hence the project intends to address this knowledge gap by developing understanding and new knowledge in the area. The expected main deliverable is an integrated production equipment design methodology to be used by users and equipment suppliers in order to increase creativity and innovation resulting in new solutions for sustainable and competitive production equipment.

The expected main deliverable is an integrated production equipment design methodology to be used by users and equipment suppliers in order to increase creativity and innovation resulting in new solutions for sustainable and competitive production equipment. Partners in the 3-year project are Volvo CE, AstraZeneca, Siemens, Goodtech Solutions, GKN Drivelines, Griesser & Kunzmann GmbH & Co.

To ensure high scientific quality the EQUIP project is supported by an International scientific advisory board. The contribution of the scientific advisory board lies mainly in the area of research design, planning of the empirical studies and detailed data collection, as well as in the contribution to the data analysis and publication strategy.