PREMISE - Predictable Multicore Systems
In this project we perform research on multicore embedded systems with a particular focus on issues related to timing and predictability in an industrial context
Projektansvarig vid MDU
Description of the project
In this project we perform research on multicore embedded systems with a particular focus on issues related to timing and predictability in an industrial context. Industry is faced with a situation having to use new multicore technology, partly due to the fact that chip manufacturers are discontinuing production of single core processors, and partly due to customer demand. Hence, systems that have been developed for single core architectures must be moved to (migrated to) new parallel architectures, introducing parallelism that require a new way of thinking, a new way of constructing software and a new way of executing this software. In this project we expected to take an active role in this development at our industrial partner ABB AB, Corporate Research.
In the coming four years we expect to have gained a solid knowledge in how embedded multicore systems are to be constructed such that they are easy to develop, maintain and evolve.