



Säkerhetskritisk teknik

Teknisk matematik

Artificiell intelligens och intelligenta system

Certifierbara bevis och justifieringsteknik

Cyber-fysisk systemanalys

Digitala och cirkulära industriella tjänster

Digitalisering av framtidens energi

Formell modellering och analys av inbyggda system

Förnybar energi

Heterogena system

Industriella AI-system

Industriell programvaruteknik

Komplexa inbyggda system i realtid

Lärande och optimering

Medicinsk teknik

Modellbaserad konstruktion av inbäddade system

ImmerSafe - Immersive Visual Technologies for Safety-critical Applications

ImmerSAFE is a four year (2018-2021) H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network that brings together 9 beneficiaries and 5 partner organizations from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Croatia, Italy, and Switzerland, with the aim of training a new generation of multi-disciplinary experts, who have an understanding of the core imaging technologies, the requirements set to them by the safety-critical applications and who can account for the human user in the design of such systems.

Projektansvarig vid MDU

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In many contexts – heavy work machines, emergency response, control centres – human operators face complex and demanding situations where their decisions can have far-reaching consequences on productivity, environment, and even human lives. In order to deal with such challenges, the operator needs full situational awareness, which can be achieved by sensing relevant visual data about the operating environment, refining it into mission-critical information, and presenting it in an immersive, intuitively comprehensible manner. This can be achieved by Immersive Visual Technologies (IVT) delivering ultra-realistic and interactive visual experience. The development of such IVT will be the main target of the ImmerSAFE project.

ImmerSAFE is a four year (2018-2021) H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network that brings together 9 beneficiaries and 5 partner organizations from Finland, Sweden, Norway, Croatia, Italy, and Switzerland, with the aim of training a new generation of multi-disciplinary experts, who have an understanding of the core imaging technologies, the requirements set to them by the safety-critical applications and who can account for the human user in the design of such systems.

The newly hired 15 early stage researchers (ESR) will contribute through their individual research projects to following work packages:

The research will be supported by an extensive training program consisting of webinars, training schools and ImmerSAFE tech days. At the end of the project, the newly trained experts will be able to seize the great opportunity for innovations offered by the emerging field of IVT for Europe’s high-tech industries.