Future Industrial Networks
The aim of this project is to propose how the automation pyramid should be developed towards a network-centric solution where business-critical and production-critical traffic can coexist, in order to enable new business models and innovations in the Swedish process industry.
Projektansvarig vid MDU
The fact that technology development and research advance rapidly most agree upon. It is also clear that there is a very large business potential and competitiveness in opening up information from the Swedish process industries for new innovations in the spirit of digitalization. This, along with the Internet's further development through IoT towards industrial IoT, makes the future of the manufacturing industry look bright. Moving from today's industrial network architectures, i.e. the automation pyramid, to cloud solutions and industrial IoT is paramount.
Goal of the project
ABB, Westermo, Iggesund Paperboard and Mälardalen University have together identified a great potential in collaborating on how the future's industrial networks should look in order to enable the expected effects of digitization without sacrificing productivity, investment pace or security. Together we want to propose how the automation pyramid should be developed towards a network-centric solution where business-critical and production-critical traffic can coexist, in order to enable new business models and innovations in the Swedish process industry.