
Artificiell intelligens och intelligenta system

Certifierbara bevis och justifieringsteknik

Cyber-fysisk systemanalys

Digitala och cirkulära industriella tjänster

Digitalisering av framtidens energi

Formell modellering och analys av inbyggda system

Förnybar energi

Heterogena system

Industriella AI-system

Industriell programvaruteknik

Komplexa inbyggda system i realtid

Lärande och optimering

Medicinsk teknik

Modellbaserad konstruktion av inbäddade system




Säkerhetskritisk teknik

Teknisk matematik

ExAct, Intelligent experience sharing for industrial applications

The purpose with the ExAct project is to exploit methods and techniques from artificial intelligence (AI) to enable semi-automatic and automatic experience sharing in organizations.








Projektansvarig vid MDU

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Description of the project

The purpose with the ExAct project is to exploit methods and techniques from artificial intelligence (AI) to enable semi-automatic and automatic experience sharing in organizations. The project is funded (9 MSEK during a three-year-period) by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF, ProViking). It is a collaboration between IDt, IDP, Stockholm University and KTH. Industrial participants are ABB Robotics, SKF, Volvo CE and SCEMM with 70 member companies.

The main goal for the ExAct project is to build the foundation for a framework that enables humans and computer systems to share and reuse experience. How to give the system intelligent features such as being proactive, learn from mistakes, improve its performance and ability to collaborate with other systems and humans will be explored. This will be made with a number of case studies and pilot projects together with industry, carried out during 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007.

The value and benefits for industry and also the health care sector is large. Up to 60 % of an organization\`s experience is said to be inside peoples heads and difficult to share and reuse. Also data collected automatically with sensors captures valuable experience rarely reused to its full extent in industry. The research will enable the construction of Intelligent Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Case-Based Reasoning for profitable industrial applications.