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Modellbaserad konstruktion av inbäddade system




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Teknisk matematik

CONCERTO - Guaranteed Component Assembly with Round Trip Analysis for Energy Efficient High-integrity Multi-core Systems

CONCERTO will deliver a reference multi-domain architectural framework for complex, highly concurrent, and multi-core systems, where non-functional properties (including real-time, dependability, and energy management) will be established for individual components, derived for the overall system at design time, and preserved by construction and monitoring at run-time.

Projektansvarig vid MDU

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Description of the project

Emerging embedded systems platforms harnessing new heterogeneous, multicore architectures to enable the next generation of powerful mission-critical applications are demanding across-the-board advances in all areas of design and development to fulfil their promise. The integration of component-based design with model-driven development creates a potent combination especially capable of mastering the complexity of these new systems. CONCERTO will deliver a reference multi-domain architectural framework for complex, highly concurrent, and multi-core systems, where non-functional properties (including real-time, dependability, and energy management) will be established for individual components, derived for the overall system at design time, and preserved by construction and monitoring at run-time. The CONCERTO framework will integrate:

• Correctness-by-construction for multicore systems with innovative model-to-code transformation techniques targeted at their special characteristics.

• A multi-view, hierarchical cross-domain design space sufficiently rich to enable a compositional approach to the next generation of complex, heterogeneous platform architectures.

• Support for iterative and incremental development of multicore systems through simulation and early model-based analysis, with fully automated back propagation of results to the user model.

• Hardware modelling facilities equipped to cope with the new generation of heterogeneous, multicore platforms.

• Advances in run-time monitoring of mission- and operation-critical non-functional properties such as energy consumption on partitioned and multicore processor architectures.

The applicability of the CONCERTO solutions to multiple industrial domains (including aerospace, telecoms, automotive, petroleum and medical) will be ensured through the elaboration of representative industrial use cases. CONCERTO builds on the results of the CHESS project (ARTEMIS-2008-1-100022), much expanding its reach in terms of end-user application domains, execution platforms and non-functional modelling capabilities, as well as the results of several other related projects.