Alternative input and control devices for disabled
This project has the aim to develop an alternative computer mouse for disabled persons.
Projektansvarig vid MDU
Description of the project
This project has the aim to develop an alternative computer mouse for disabled persons. The mouse is a flexible input device with a multi-click function and selectable attachment to the body. The mouse uses a micro-electro-mechanical system gyroscope (MEMS-gyro) as a motion sensor, which is both small and sensitive. An universal serial bus (USB) interface with the human interface devices (HID) profile is used to make the installation easy, plug and play, and also make it possible to use on any modern computer independent on the operating system (Windows, Linux, Mac OS etc.).
The structure of the design is module based to achieve a flexible functionality. The placement of the motion sensor is selectable with different attachments. The mouse has individual adapted click-functions with selectable click devices and it is also possible to make individual settings of the mouse parameters. The functionality can be extended by further personal settings, programming the mouse to individual optimal performance. There is now a well working computer mouse for disabled, which has been field-tested by users with different movement disabilities. In the development process, total 23 users have been interviewed and 3 persons have participated in the long-term test (6 months).
The study shows that a computer mouse based on MEMS-gyroscopes was a good, flexible solution, providing a high performance technical aid with a very high sensitivity to a modest cost. The project also includes development of movement sensors and test equipment for the evaluation of movement sensors.