Support to doctoral students
The University Library have listed below some of the tools and resources that we think may be useful and save you time when doing your PhD project.
The University Library has two doctoral student courses. One is about Publishing strategies and Open Access publishing, the other about Research data in an Open Science landscape.
Doctoral student breakfast
Every semester, The University library arrange a doctoral student breakfast. We’ll tell you about what services we can provide during your studies, and you’ll meet fellow doctoral students.
Every semester the University Library conducts a series of seminars. The seminars will be held on Teams, Tuesdays from 9:30-10:30.
The University Library’s research seminars External link.
Thesis templates
For those of you who are writing your thesis in Word, the University Library provides a thesis template. Our recommendation is that you use it from the beginning.
The thesis template and instructions on how to use it External link.
Databases and search support
MDU has a variety of scholarly databases in different subject areas. You can access them anywhere using your MDU login credentials.
The University Library’s database list External link.
You are always welcome to contact the University Library for support regarding your database searches. Book an appointment with a librarian by emailing us.
Reference management software
Using a reference management tool will help you save and organize your references and will make it easier to insert citations and create a bibliography when you are writing a text. To do this from the beginning is a real time-saver.
The reference management software EndNote is free to download for all students and staff at MDU.
The University Library offers support with reference management. Book an appointment with a librarian by emailing us.
The University Library’s guide about reference management software External link..
Organize your favorite journals
To easily find, read, and monitor the thousands of scholarly journals available to you, we recommend you use BrowZine by creating a personal account. BrowZine is also available as an app to use on your mobile phone.
Data management plans
All new research projects at MDU need to have a data management plan (DMP). We recommend that you create one at the start of your project, partly because more and more research funders are requesting that a data management plan is part of the grant application.
The University Library offers an online tool called DMPonline which helps you write your data management plan. We also offer you guidance and support with the DMP itself, as well as with other questions regarding research data management.
Read more about data management plans External link, opens in new window.
Research data storage
Research data is the data collected and/or created during research. The University Library offers a storage solution called Sunet Drive, which grants each researcher a free storage space of 200 GB. Additional space can be bought, if needed.
More information about using Sunet Drive. External link.
Where to publish?
The University Library offers support on how to assess journals and conduct research evaluation.
More information about how to select a journal or publication to publish in. External link.
The University Library administers the MDU fund for publishing on Open Access.
How to register in DiVA-MDU
DiVA-MDU is the University's publication repository where all publications from the University must be registered. DiVA is also the system that creates cover pages and “spikblad” (notification of forthcoming defense of thesis). Publications registered in DiVA will be visible in the national research publication database SwePub, but also in, for example, Google Scholar.
To facilitate registration, we have created a simplified form where you only need to attach a link to the publication and some personal details.
Go to the simplified DiVA form External link.
For questions and further support, please contact the University Library’s research support by emailing: