Register and publish in DiVA - for you as an employee at MDU
As a researcher at MDU you must register all your publications in DiVA. If you have publications from previous employments you should register these as well.
Why do I have to register my publications in DiVA?
When you register in DiVA your publication will be more visible since it will be searchable for example in SwePub and Google Scholar. You can also use DiVA to produce a list of publications for your CV and to automatically update your personal MDU page with your latest publications.
The assignments you register in DiVA will be used for the University’s internal allocation of funding and also for national research evaluations, for example. By following the instructions on these pages you will avoid the risk of your publication being erroneously excluded from such contexts.
What can be registered in DiVA?
- As a researcher at MDU you must register all your publications in DiVA. If you want you can register for example reviews, articles in newspapers or popular science publications.
- If you have publications from previous employments you can register these as well. All registered publications that contains your MDU-ID will be shown in your publication list on your personal MDU page.
How do I register publications in DiVA?
- The University Library will help you to register publications with DOI-numbers or publications that have an URL. Fill in the form so the University Library can register your publication in DiVA External link.
- If URL or DOI is missing, please send printed documentation to the University Library in an internal letter (marked "Västerås/Biblioteket/Forskarservice").
The library do not register publications with status "submitted", ”accepted” or "in press”. - Publications such as doctoral thesis or conference paper or conference proceeding that doesn't have an URL, you have to register manually in DiVA.
- The library imports MDU publications every week from Web of Science and Scopus into DiVA. Please start by checking that the publication is not already registered in DiVA.
Form to get help to register in DiVA External link.
Log in to register your publication External link.
Have you any questions?
Get in touch with the University Library’s research service at