Open Access Week 2024
21-27 October is International Open Access Week. It's "an opportunity to join together, take action, and raise awareness around the importance of community control of knowledge sharing systems."
Open Access (OA) speeds up the dissemination of research while improving its impact. This facilitates interdisciplinary research, increases the research’s visibility and use, and enables groups who otherwise would not be able to do this to gain access to published research.
Come to a seminar about open publishing
How did we end up where we are today? What will happen in the future? How does MDU's publishing compare to other Swedish higher education institutions?
National guidelines for open science
What are they and what does it mean for MDU as a University? Interview with Erik Stattin, Head of Unit, Research Collaboration, National Library of Sweden (Kungliga Biblioteket).
What are the alternatives for OA funding?
Interview with librarian Tord Heljeberg, who works with the allocation of OA funds for publishing in journals and books.
Funding for Open Access publications
Read more about requirements and criteria for applying for grants
Find national agreements with OA
Use the search tool SciFree to find national agreements that have been made with several of the larger publishing houses.
Paul Pettersson about Open Access:
“I think it is important that MDU, as a collaborative University, contributes to Open Access”.
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