Lending policies and fees
Here you will find a summary of what regulations and terms apply when you want to borrow from the University Library.
By registering as a patron you commit yourself to abide by the lending policies, including changes made after your registration. As a patron you need to ensure that you keep yourself informed of the current lending policies. You also commit yourself to abide by the rules of conduct and other instructions communicated by the University Library, such as:
- paying the charges that the University Library authorises
- observing the period of the loan and returning borrowed material no later than the due date.
- being responsible for the loans until the material is returned to the University Library (self-return machine) and checked in. The patron has personal responsibility for checking that returned material is checked in. Material returned in the University Library’s book drop is left at your own risk. This also applies to material sent by post.
- paying all charges within 30 days
- taking good care of borrowed material and returning it undamaged
- notifying the University Library of any changes of contact details.
You can borrow all material at the University Library, with the following exceptions:
- course reference material
- journals
- daily newspapers
- interlibrary loan material when the library lending the material does not permit home loans
- particularly fragile material
- the University Library reserves the right to restrict the number of simultaneous loans to one patron.
Loan period
- The loan period is normally 3 weeks.
- The loan period for material requested by other patrons is 2 weeks.
- The loan period for sheet music is 60 days.
- The loan period for material from the teaching aids collection is 5 days.
Here you can see what charges apply for overdue material.
Overdue fines
- Normal loans, 5 SEK per book/media per day
- Day loans, 50 SEK per book/media per day
Lost material
Lost material, no less than 800 SEK per book/media
Payment of charges
Payment is made on the University Library website in the first instance, through your Library account.
Payment can also be made to bank giro account number 5201-5864. Payee: Mälardalen University. Write as a message to the payee: Ref. BIBL, patron’s name and personal identity number.
Terms and guidelines for electronic media
The University Library has several agreements with publishers and suppliers of electronic journals and electronic books as well as databases for the use of the University’s students, researchers and teachers.
These agreements govern what rights you have as a user. The terms in the agreements look different, but in general the following applies:
- None of the agreements permits commercial use
- It is permitted to read and print out individual articles for private use.
- Interlibrary loans between two public libraries are permitted in most cases. This material must most often be printed out and sent by post.
- It is not permitted for the Library nor anyone else to send articles from the archives for which they have a licence directly to an individual.
- Downloading of entire journals/databases is not permitted. Systematic downloading of material may cause the Library to be expelled from further access.
More information
Mälardalen University Library lending policies
More information about the centrally procured agreements can be read at the National Library of Sweden:
Contract information from National Library of Sweden External link.