Digital written examinations in Inspera Assessment
Inspera Assessment is MDU's digital service for digital on-campus written examinations. Here you can read about how to prepare for a digital on-campus written exam. Taking a digital written exam differs depending on which campus you are going to sit the exam. Therefore, it is important that you prepare according to the instructions below. Some written exams may also have additional information from the examiner.
How does a digital on-campus written exam work?
In the exam booking on the online schedule, you can see if your on-campus exam will be conducted digitally in Inspera.
Search for exam bookings on the online schedule External link.
The teacher creates exam questions with associated digital resources in Inspera. On the day of the exam, you will answer the exam questions on a computer with a secure web browser, which temporarily locks the computer to only display the exam content and any attached resources.
After submitting the written exam, which you will do together with the invigilator, you’ll close the secure web browser. When the digital written exam has been assessed, the credits and any feedback will be published. Grades and results for digital written exams are displayed in Ladok.
Register for Ladok
To be able to take an on-campus written exam, you must register for it in Ladok. Please also remember to cancel your registration if you do not intend to sit the exam.
Log in to Inspera
You can log in to Inspera with your MDU student account credentials.
It is very important that you remember your username and password.
Log in to Inspera External link.
After logging in, you will see three headings: My exams, Archive, Demo exams
Under the heading "My Exams" you can see your upcoming exams. Digital exams are published one to two days before the exam day. Under the heading "Archive" you will see all the digital exams you have taken, and under the heading "Demo Exams" you will find the Demo exam.
When you need to log out of Inspera, you must click on the white circle in the upper right corner. In the same menu, you can change the language according to the languages available in the list. There you can also see notifications that you have received during an examination.
Preparing for a digital written exam in Västerås
At Västerås, you will do the digital on-campus written exam on your own laptop. The computer must be a PC or Mac (Chromebooks, tablets or smartphones are not allowed digital devices. It is not possible to conduct a digital on-campus written exam with virtual machines). To conduct a digital on-campus written exam, you must have configured the wireless network Eduroam.
You must also download and install the secure web browser Safe Exam Browser. To check that your computer is working before the exam session, you must complete a demo exam in Inspera.
Prepare your computer according to the instructions that are described below:
- Ensure that you can connect to MDU's wireless network Eduroam.
To connect to Eduroam, your computer needs to support 5GHz. If your computer can't handle it, you can use MDU's wireless guest network MDU_Guest. You can get the password for MDU_Guest from the Student Centre or from the invigilator at the exam venue. You can log in to Eduroam with your username ending with and password for your MDU student account, for example: and the password
Read more about the wireless network EduroamExternal link.
- Make sure you know your login credentials for your MDU student account.
To reset your password or check your username (user ID), follow the instructions on the Managing Your Student Account page.
Managing your student accountExternal link.
- Download and install the secure web browser Safe Exam Browser
Safe Exam Browser is a web browser that temporarily locks the computer to only display the exam content and any attached resources. For each examination session, you must check that you have the correct version of Safe Exam Browser. Safe Exam Browser must always be launched in Inspera, which is what you do when you proceed to the exam session in Inspera. - Take the demo exam
Please check no later than seven days before the exam day that your computer is working in Inspera by completing the demo exam.
Preparing for digital written exams in Eskilstuna
In Eskilstuna, you will take the digital written exam on a desktop computer at the exam venue.
It is very important that you remember the username and password to your MDU student account to log in to the desktop computer and to Inspera.
Prepare yourself for the exam day by completing a demo exam.
Download and install Safe Exam Browser
Downloading Safe Exam Browser must always be done from Inspera. You can download and install the secure web browser Safe Exam Browser in two ways: from the demo exam in Inspera or Inspera's website.
From the demo exam in Inspera.
- Log in to Inspera
External link.
- Click on the Demo exam
- Select Demo
- Click on Click here to get ready
- Click on Download
- Select Download Safe Exam Browser for Windows (PC) or macOS (Mac)
- Install Safe Exam Browser.
For PC, click on the downloaded file and follow the installation prompts until the installation is complete.
For Mac, click on the downloaded file and transfer the app to Applications.
From Inspera's website
- Go to Inspera’s website.
External link.
- Download the latest version that is available for your computer, PC or Mac. See the heading "Downloadable versions of Safe Exam Browser (SEB)"
- Install Safe Exam Browser.
For PC, you must follow the installation prompts until the installation is complete. For Mac, click on the downloaded file and transfer the app to Applications.
For each exam session, you must check that you have installed the latest version of Safe Exam Browser. You can check this by locking the demo exam with Safe Exam Browser or by comparing your version of Safe Exam Browser on your computer with the latest version on Inspera’s website.
If you have any issues when starting Safe Exam Browser
If you have problems when you start Safe Exam Browser check that you have closed any screen-sharing programs, streaming services, gaming platforms and virtual machines.
You must not configure Safe Exam Browser. If you receive a message to configure, you must close Safe Exam Browser and restart it from Inspera.
Conducting a demo exam
Prepare yourself by conducting a demo exam in Inspera. Log in to Inspera with the login credentials for your MDU student account. Remember to write down the SEB password and the invigilator’s password before you start the demo exam. If you receive an error message or try to exit Safe Exam Browser incorrectly, the system will require a password. You must then enter the invigilator's password.
- Log in to Inspera
External link.
- Click on the Demo exam
- Select Demo
- Click on Click here to get ready
- Write down the SEB password and the invigilator’s password.
- Click on Open Examination in Safe Exam Browser
- Enter the SEB password.
If you have not previously installed Safe Exam Browser, click on Download and follow the instructions described on this page, under the tab download and install the secure Safe Exam Browser. - Click on Open examination
- You are now in the demo exam
- When you are finished, click on Submit Now on the submission page, which is the last box with a checkmark
- You must always close the Safe Exam Browser when you are leaving the demo exam or have submitted it by clicking Submit now.
Book a loan computer for digital on-campus written exams
If you do not have access to a laptop and are taking a digital written exam in Västerås, you must apply for a loan computer via the link below. You can do this after you have registered for the on-campus written exam.
You must apply for a loan computer no later than seven (7) days before the exam day. There is a limited number of loan computers available.
Apply for a loan computer External link.
You will receive a confirmation email from the exam coordination team when you have got a loan computer. No later than two days before the exam day, you will receive information about which venue you can collect your loan computer, which you must use on the exam day.
At the admission to the exam venue, you must inform the invigilator that you have a booked loan computer.
Checklist for digital written exams on the exam day
It is essential that you are well prepared when you are taking a digital written exam. See below what you need to prepare and bring with you on the exam day.
You will need:
- Your own computer and charger (for exams in Västerås)
- The battery must be fully charged at the start of writing (for exams in Västerås)
- Safe Exam Browser installed and that you have the latest version installed (for exams in Västerås)
- Completed the demo exam
- Login details for your MDU student account, username and password
- Valid ID. Read more about what a valid ID is on the page About examinations
External link.
- Any permitted aids that the examiner has informed about in advance
Check that:
- You are connected to MDU's wireless network Eduroam (for exams in Västerås)
- You can log in to and see the upcoming exam
- You have closed all other programs. Please make sure that gaming platforms, screen sharing programs, streaming services, etc. are turned off on the computer, as these are programs that may prevent Safe Exam Browser from starting (for exams in Västerås).
The doors to the exam venues close 10 minutes before the exam starts for the first admission. Make sure to be on-site at least 30 minutes before the exam begins and make sure that everything is working and that you can log in.
During the ongoing digital on-campus written exam
When you take a digital written exam in Inspera, the exam is saved every 15 seconds in Inspera. You can see the exam questions in boxes, with numbers or letters, at the bottom of the screen. During an ongoing exam, you can, if the teacher has approved it, click forward and backwards between the questions and flag a question that you want to go back to or check the answer before submitting the exam. If the teacher has attached aids to the digital exam, the aid is located at the bottom left of the screen.
During an ongoing digital written exam, you may receive notifications regarding your exam. You can see these notifications by clicking on the clock icon, located in the top right corner of the screen.
The invigilators will assist you if you encounter any problems during the ongoing written exam. You must always contact an invigilator if you lose the network.
Before submitting your digital exam, you must always notify an invigilator. Together with the invigilator, you will submit the exam and close the secure Safe Exam Browser.
Settings during an exam
There are several settings in Inspera that you can make during an ongoing exam. Click on the options menu, at the top right there is an icon with three lines, there you can do the following:
- Change language (not for the exam questions)
- Adjust contrast
- Activate Text to Speech. Text to speech is Inspera's integrated voice synthesiser and is available if the student has applied for and been granted it as an aid during the exam session. The voice synthesiser TorTalk is what is normally installed for the exam session. Tor Talk can be found at the bottom left of the screen when you have the exam open.
- Change text size
- Show or hide the remaining time for the exam
For the following options, you must always call an invigilator:
- Submit it blank.
All of your answers will be deleted and cannot be restored, your exam will receive results U (Failed) - Cancel.
All of your answers will be deleted and cannot be restored. - Save the submission as a file.
Used if the computer does not have a network when submitting.
Spell check
Spell check is only available in essay questions, the question type that has a text box with a toolbar.
When spell check is enabled for an examination session, you will see the menu in the text box, at the bottom right. You can do the following:
- Disable the spell check on the on/off symbol
- Open the spell check (two diagonal arrows) to process highlighted spelling errors
- Propose or check (orange circle). The number of found spelling errors is shown in the circle. If everything is correct, a checkmark will be displayed in the circle.
- Create settings by clicking on the cog wheel. Here you can:
- Change language. The standard is Automatic detection, the spell check determines which language you are using. To change language, select the language from the list of available languages.
- Choose to ignore a number of different options
After the examination
Review the results of the digital written exam
When the digital written exam has been assessed, you log in to Inspera with your login details for your MDU student account and click on the heading Archive. Here you can see your written digital exams. By clicking on the exam session, you can see your credits and any feedback from the grading teacher.
Log in to Inspera External link.
Results and grades for digital written exams can be viewed in Ladok.
The time when you have access to questions and your answers in Inspera depends on what the teacher has approved for the exam session, it can be either immediately after the exam session is over or when the exam session has been assessed and the results are reported in Ladok.
If you wish to print out your exam answers and any comments from the grading teacher, you can do so in Inspera by downloading and saving your exam answers and comments.
Withdrawing the digital written exam
As a student, you have the right to withdraw (delete) your digital exam from Inspera once the exam answers have become a public document. To withdraw your exam answers, please contact the Student Centre
By withdrawing your exam, your exam answers will be deleted. Please note that deleted exam answers cannot be restored, and the University no longer has the document.
Very important!
Before you withdraw a digital exam, you should ensure that you have downloaded the questions and your answers, as well as received the credits and any feedback from the teacher for the exam session.
Archiving exam answers for a digital written exam
Exam answers that have not been withdrawn (deleted) are saved digitally in Inspera for two years.
System requirements for your computer
To be able to write a digital on-campus written exam on your laptop needs to fulfil certain system requirements. Ensure that your computer has the correct version of the operating system as well as the correct version of Safe Exam Browser.
Read more about system requirements on Inspera’s website, check under the heading SEB minimum requirements
Inspera’s website External link.
Which version of the operating system you have on your computer can be seen according to the following instructions:
PC (Windows)
- Flag menu
- Settings
- System
- About
Mac (macOS)
- Apple menu
- About this computer
Help and Support
Contact the Student Centre if you encounter technical issues when downloading and installing Safe Exam Browser or if you have questions about how to prepare for the digital exam session. If technical problems occur during an ongoing exam, you must get the attention of an invigilator.
Read more about IT for you as a student
On Inspera's website, you can find help pages for students.
If you have any questions, please contact Student Centre.
Telephone number: 021-10 13 10