
Selection criteria for exchange studies

If there are more applicants than spots, we will select based on merit points.

One person's second choice is always someone else's first choice. If you haven't received your first choice, there's still a chance for your second or third choice. If you have previously participated in exchange studies and are offered this, you will be placed in a separate group and be nominated if there are available spots.

Points system


  • You receive 20 points if you have been involved in Karen's international activities at MDU.


Depending on the number of collegepoints (hp) you have at MDU when the application period ends:

  • 10 points for 30.5 – 45 hp.
  • 20 points for 45.5 – 60 hp.
  • 30 points for 60.5 – 75 hp.
  • 40 points for 75.5 – 90 hp.
  • 50 points if you have at least 90.5 hp.

Completed courses in percentage

You receive points based on the percentage of registered courses at MDU that you have passed during the last term:

  • 20 points if you have passed between 80% and 90% of the courses.
  • 30 points if you have passed more than 90% of the courses.

When students have the same points, a random draw is used for the selection.

For more information, contact your international coordinator:

School of Business, Society and Engineering, EST est-international@mdu.se

School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, HVV hvv-international@mdu.se

School of Innovation, Design and Engineering, IDT idt-international@mdu.se

School of Education, Culture, and Communication, UKK ukk-international@mdu.se.