
Software and Systems Engineering

Software and Systems Engineering (SSE) conducts research on theory, methods, processes, algorithms, and tools to support the design, development, testing, and maintenance of industrial software and software-intensive systems, including research on model-based development to simplify development and operation, dependability (e.g., safety and security) to assure that systems can be sufficiently trusted, and software testing, addressing quality attributes needed for dependability and performance.

Research areas

Automated Software language and Software engineering

The ASSO research group focuses on automating the engineering of software languages and software by applying advanced computation and data manipulation techniques.

Read more about Automated Software language and Software engineering

Certifiable Evidences and Justification Engineering

This group performs research on languages, techniques, metrics, and processes for engineering evidence(s) and justifications for the purpose of certification/selfassessment.

Read more about Certifiable Evidences and Justification Engineering

Cyber-Physical Systems Analysis

The research group is focused on analyzing cyber-physical systems, as concurrent and distributed systems where embedded computers and networks monitor and control the physical processes.

Read more about Cyber-Physical Systems Analysis

Real-Time Systems Design

Focusing on design methods, architectures, and communication for real-time system, with current emphasis on functional safety, cybersecurity, adaptive real-time systems, and software testing.

Read more about Real-Time Systems Design

Industrial Software Engineering

Focusing on engineering of complex software-intensive embedded systems, covering the entire lifecycle and including technologies, methods and processes. Particular emphasis on component- and model-based software engineering for embedded systems.

Read more about Industrial Software Engineering

Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems

Development of methods and tools for model-based engineering of embedded systems. Including: models for architectural and behavioral descriptions of system and requirements for systems, techniques for analyzing and transforming models, and runtime architectures for resource efficient, predictable embedded systems.

Read more about Model-Based Engineering of Embedded Systems

Software Testing Laboratory

Testing of embedded software, empirical studies of software testing, test automation and model-based testing.

Read more about Software Testing Laboratory

Safety-Critical Engineering

Focusing on bridging the theoretical foundations of dependability and industrial software development practices, with an emphasis on the technology and process aspects of complex dependable systems.

Read more about Safety-Critical Engineering

Dependable Software Engineering

Methods and processes for engineering dependable software systems.

Read more about Dependable Software Engineering


Fore more information about Software and Systems Engineering, please contact Jan Carlson.

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Ongoing research projects

ITS-EASY is an industrial research school in Embedded Software and Systems, affiliated with the School of Innovation, Design and Engineering (IDT) at Mälardalen University (MDU), as an integrated part of the MDU strategic research area Embedded Systems (ES).

Project manager at MDU: Kristina Lundqvist

Main financing: The Knowledge Foundation

The project focuses on modeling and analyzing event-based asynchronous autonomous systems for safety assurance, performance evaluation, and optimization

Project manager at MDU: Marjan Sirjani

Main financing: The Knowledge Foundation

The project aims to increase the efficiency of analysis and management of risks in critical societal interconnected systems-of-systems. This is achieved by risk analysts, who, with a certain amount of work, become able to identify and reduce significantly more risks than they can manage with today's methods and the same amount of effort.

Project manager at MDU: Jakob Axelsson

Main financing: Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap (MSB)

The project aims to develop an ICT-enabled, data-driven, decision-support system that implements a practical economic replacement time model based on high-quality, real cost data and environmental parameters.

Project manager at MDU: Wasif Afzal

Main financing: Vinnova

Software Center is a collaboration between five academic partners and thirteen companies, dedicated to accelerating industrial digitalization and to support a continuous exchange of knowledge between the companies.

Project manager at MDU: Jan Carlson

The long-term goal of this project is to identify key factors that hinder the combination of model- based development and continuous integration, and to develop methods, techniques and tools to help alleviate them.

Project manager at MDU: Jan Carlson