Industrial Economics and Organization
Digitalisation, globalisation and sustainability have attracted a lot of attention in society as well as in academia. We have reached a point where there is a need for questioning and refining the way we deal with such issues by applying interdisciplinary lenses and unpacking critical concerns.
Research at Industrial Economics and Organization therefore focuses mainly in three research tracks, all critical for future business, management and society:
- Re-framing digitalisation
- Re-framing globalization
- Re-framing sustainability
The research we conduct contributes to develop the way people and resources are coordinated, governed, steered and controlled in organisations, markets and the public sphere, in order to create and capture value.
Re-framing digitalisation
The research track Re-framing digitalisation explores the implications of technological base when it comes to how we manage organisations, how we create value, how we govern.
Re-framing globalization
The research track mainly focuses on the business world, exploring the challenges that organisations have to face in their contemporary international operations.
Re-framing sustainability
The research track foregrounds critical issues to be dealt with in order to work towards sustainability by applying theoretical lenses from different disciplines.
Research groups:
NOMP-group – New Organisation and Management Practices
Research group
Read more about NOMP-group – New Organisation and Management PracticesFinancial and Management Accounting
Research group
Read more about Financial and Management AccountingThe research group for studies in democracy, power and citizenship, DEM
Research group
Read more about The research group for studies in democracy, power and citizenship, DEMLet your employees develop their skills by becoming a doctoral canditate
about Let your employees develop their skills by becoming a doctoral canditate
How does AI affect the work environment in HR departments?
about How does AI affect the work environment in HR departments?
More information
Fore more information about Industrial Economics
and Organization please contact the Director of research.
Ongoing research projects
Climate adaptation related to changing precipitation is prioritized because of the vulnerability this change entails, especially in terms of the risk of flooding. Climate adaptation work has begun, but new ways of working across organizational boundaries are required to involve all stakeholders in this complex work.
Project manager at MDU: Silvia Bruzzone
Main financing: FORMAS
The project will provide an understanding of the consequences for human dignity of the dissemination and integration into society of forms of technology that are strongly associated with the reduction, interchangeability and expend ability of individual consciousness.
Project manager at MDU: Jonas Hultin Rosenberg
Main financing: Marianne och Marcus Wallenbergs Stiftelse
The aim of the project is to understand which automating technologies, such as AI and algorithmic technologies, are used in the financial sector, and how they affect the work envrionment of white-collar workers.
Project manager at MDU: Inti Lammi
Main financing: AFA Försäkring
Forskning om digitalisering av management bedrivs inom ett flertal forskningsprojekt på Mälardalens Universitet. Forskarna har sitt säte på Avdelningen för organisation och ledning och forskningen sker i tätt samarbete med forskarkollegor från hela universitet och med våra samverkanspartners utanför universitet.
I en tid som präglas av storskaliga krig, accelererande teknisk utveckling, hägrande klimatkatastrofer och globala pandemier tycks framtiden alltmer oviss. Mot bakgrund av dessa omvälvningar omprövar viktiga organisationer inom världspolitiken alltmer sitt förhållningssätt till framtiden.
Project manager at MDU: Laura Pantzerhielm
Main financing: Vetenskapsrådet
The purpose of the project is to, through qualitative studies, explore the readiness for the introduction of, and the state of knowledge around, AI in HR work in Swedish companies today. The project addresses two practical areas: how HR professionals feel that their own work is affected by the introduction of AI in operations and how HR professionals approach the assessment of how the work of others will be affected by AI.
Project manager at MDU: Eva Lindell
Main financing: AFA försäkring
The KOMPA-project aims at constructing knowledge to support the development and implementation of tailor-made activities to increase the competency amongst HR-employees.
Project manager at MDU: Eva Lindell
Main financing: ESF-rådet
The purpose is to develop a deeper understanding of how meetings are changing as we enter a post-digital era, and the consequences of such changes for the role of meetings in community-building
Project manager at MDU: Lucia Crevani
Main financing: Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
The objectives of the SCOSSA project is to develop new knowledge on how sector coupling in energy transition is actually done through the development of new sociotechnical practices.
Project manager at MDU: Silvia Bruzzone
Main financing: Energymyndigheten
This research project is a cohort study of newly recruited auditor assistants. The research question is: who chooses (and is selected by the firms) to become an auditor assistant and how are auditor assistants trained and formed to become auditors? We investigate this as socialization of and within professions.
Project manager at MDU: Tobias Johansson-Berg
Main financing: Jan Wallander och Tom Hedelius forskningsfond (Handelsbanken)
The aim of the TechConnect project is to deepen the understanding of the impact of advanced digital technologies on human skills.
Project manager at MDU: Anette Hallin
Main financing: EU/Horizon
The Up-Skill project addresses the workforce implications of industry 5.0, in particular, the relationship between automation choices and maintenance of skilled work, exploring the strategic space in production where automation adds value to skilled and artisanal work and where over-automation risks undermining the value of what is produced.
Project manager at MDU: Chris Ivory
Main financing: Europeiska kommissionen (Horizon Europe)