
Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Plus

The objective of ESS-H+ is to leverage on the results of the KKS research profile Embedded Sensor Systems for Health (ESS-H) at Mälardalen University (MDU), through further development of the scientific excellenceand the international recognitionthat has been founded through ESS-H.

The ESS-H research environment, with an ecosystem of multiple research projects in synergy, will be enhanced by ESS-H+. The aim and goal of the ESS-H+ profile is to raise the scientific ambitions and progression further, as compared to the current ESS-H profile.

Research project

Embedded Sensor Systems for Health Plus

Project manager: Maria Lindén

Research area: Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Systems Biomedical Engineering Data Communication

Main financing: The Knowledge Foundation

The objective of ESS-H+ is to leverage on the results of the KKS research profile Embedded Sensor Systems for Health (ESS-H) at Mälardalen University (MDU), through further development of the scientific excellenceand the international recognitionthat has been founded through ESS-H.

More information about the profile

For more information about the profile, plese contact the Profile leader.