
Dependable platforms for autonomous systems and control

DPAC aims to establish a leading research profile targeting dependable platforms for autonomous systems and control.

This will be accomplished through close collaboration and interaction between Embedded Systems (ES) research groups at MDU and the participating industrial companies. DPAC is hosted at Mälardalen University in the ES research environment.

Embedded computer systems are nowadays incorporated in many kinds of products including many mission critical applications such as trains, autonomous utility vehicles, aviation, smart grid power management etc. These systems offer advanced functionality and fulfil an important role for the competitiveness of companies and the future national and global infrastructure. The scientific and technical results of DPAC will support future innovation by providing dependable platforms that can be used to efficiently realise dependable, reliable and safe electronically controlled products.

Four established research groups from MDU will, in addition to the staff from companies, provide the core competence thrust within DPAC. The research will be organised around three main research areas:

  • Predictability and dependability in parallel architectures.
  • Autonomous systems and control.
  • Design methodologies.

These combined competences give DPAC a unique opportunity to address system-wide research challenges that span several traditional research areas and wide industrial applications as well as forming a robust basis for the research in DPAC.

Projects within DPAC

  1. When launched in October 2015, DPAC started with three larger projects, one for each research area that will tackle a concrete subset of the overarching research agenda:
  2. Predictability and dependability in parallel architectures
  3. Autonomous systems and control
  4. Design methodologies

These projects each serve the dual purpose of providing tangible research results together with our industrial partners, and to build a strong reputation for MDU in the area of dependable platforms. Furthermore, a DPAC unifying use-case ties the projects together.

More information about the profile

For more information about the profile, plese contact the Profile leader.