Mathematics, Science and Engineering including subject didactics
The subject didactics research that is conducted in Mathematics, Science and Engineering is characterised by the fact that it theorises the study and development of practices.
How students experience the teaching and how teachers create conditions for learning in the classroom are key questions that the two research groups focus on.
A general research objective is to study and support processes that help teachers create opportunities for pupils to develop their skills in the subjects in question.
MNT has regular seminar activities with around six meetings per year. Here international researchers, researchers in MNT and teachers meet for discussions on for example theory, methodology, and empirical domains that are common to the environment and that we wish to develop.
Seminar activities are also conducted with continual meetings within the research groups.
Research groups within the research environment
M-TERM - Mälardalen University Team of Educational Researchers in Mathematics
The M-TERM research group conducts research in Mathematics Didactics. This group studies and develops, together with teachers and principals, mathematics education in compulsory school and upper secondary school. The purpose of this research is to develop classroom teaching and to contribute understanding of what steers and supports the work of the mathematics teacher.
Read more about M-TERM - Mälardalen University Team of Educational Researchers in MathematicsNatural Science and Technology Didactics research
In MDU's Natural Science and Technology Didactics research (NT Didactics), researchers, in collaboration with school and higher education, investigate how the use of language and natural science discourse can be developed in teaching.
Read more about Natural Science and Technology Didactics researchMore information about the research milieu
For more information about the research milieu, please contact the Scienfific leader.