
  • Study location R2-141 (Västerås)
  • 2025-02-05 13:15–14:15

Luis Duarte: Perturbations of ideals in local rings

Time: 2025-02-05, 13:15-14:15

Location: R2-141 (Västerås)

Video link: https://mdu-se.zoom.us/j/65033792049 External link.

Participating: Luis Duarte (Stockholm University)


Let I be an ideal of a Noetherian local ring R. We study how properties of the ideal change under small perturbations, that is, when I is replaced by an ideal J which is the same as I modulo a large power of the maximal ideal. In particular, assuming that R/J has the same Hilbert function as R/I, we show that the Betti numbers of R/J coincide with those of R/I.
We also compare the local cohomology modules of R/J with those of R/I.

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