
  • Study location R2-605
  • 2024-12-11 15:15–16:15

Daniel Larsson: Drinfeld modules and hom-Lie algebras

Time: 2024-12-11, 15:15-16:15

Location: R2-605 (Västerås)

Video link: https://mdu-se.zoom.us/j/66094563449 External link.

Speaker: Daniel Larsson (University of South-Eastern Norway)

Abstract: A Drinfeld module is an algebra morphism from the polynomial algebra in one variable over a finite field, to a non-commutative ring A of  "Frobenius-twisted” polynomials. This should be viewed geometrically as a sheaf of A-modules over the affine line. (The construction can be generalised to arbitrary smooth projective curves.) In this talk I will introduce the basics of Drinfeld modules (and, time permitting, also a higher-dimensional analogue called a t-motive), and how to construct hom-Lie algebras on these modules (t-motives).

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