
  • Study location C1-007, Campus Eskilstuna
  • 2024-09-25 15:00–16:00

Daniel Seco : On the minimum number of Toeplitz
factors of a matrix and connections with
operator theory

Time: 2024-09-25, 15:15-16:00

Location: C1-007, Campus Eskilstuna

Video link: https://mdu-se.zoom.us/j/9800778169

Participating: Daniel Seco (Universidad de La Laguna)

Abstract: Recently, Ye and Lim showed that every n × n matrix can be decomposed as the product of 2n + 5 Toeplitz matrices, and generically as ⌊n/2⌋ + 1. They proposed a conjecture claiming that the generic bound always holds. In this talk, we provide a counterexample to this conjecture. We will illustrate the relevance of such factorizations for potential
solutions to relevant problems in Operator Theory.

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