
  • 2024-11-06 12:00 – 2024-11-08 13:40

Nordic Mini-Conference in Algebra, Analysis, and Geometry

MDU is hosting a Nordic mini-conference in algebra, analysis, and geometry, taking place lunch to lunch, November 6–8, 2024.

The mini-conference is organized with financial support by the School of Education, Culture, and Communication at MDU, and by Längmanska kulturfonden.

Organizing committee: Olof Bergvall, Per Bäck, and Bartosz Malman.


Nancy Abdallah External link, opens in new window., University of Borås
Per Enflo, External link, opens in new window. Kent State University, USA
Lionel Lang External link, opens in new window., University of Gävle
Dag Nilsson External link, opens in new window., Mid Sweden University
Jakob Palmkvist External link, opens in new window., Chalmers University of Technology
Marta Panizzut External link, opens in new window., UiT – The Arctic University of Norway
Alan Sola External link, opens in new window., Stockholm University
Stefan Wagner External link, opens in new window., Blekinge Institute of Technology
Claudia Yun External link, opens in new window., UiT – The Arctic University of Norway


There is no registration fee and we offer free lunches and fika to all registered participants!

Registration has closed.


Registration and all talks take place in room Beta, campus Västerås.

Map of campus Västerås External link, opens in new window.

Each talk is 50 minutes, plus 10 minutes for questions.

Wednesday, November 6

Registration, lunch, and afternoon session.

12:00–12:10 Registration

12:10–13:30 Lunch at Restaurang Rosenhill

13:30–13:40 Opening

13:40–14:40 Lionel Lang
Galois group of systems of polynomial equations[Abstract] Opens in new window.

14:40–15:00 Fika

15:00–16:00 Claudia Yun
The topology of the moduli spaces of tropical unramified p-covers[Abstract] Opens in new window.

16:10–17:10 Marta Panizzut
Positive geometry of del Pezzo surfaces[Abstract] Opens in new window.

Thursday, November 7

Morning session, lunch, afternoon session, and conference dinner.

10:00–11:00 Nancy Abdallah
Nets in P2 and Alexander Duality[Abstract] Opens in new window.

11:00–11:20 Fika

11:20–12:20 Jakob Palmkvist
Non-associative structures in extended geometry[Abstract] Opens in new window.

12:20–13:40 Lunch at Restaurang Rosenhill

13:40–14:40 Stefan Wagner
Geometric structures, C*-algebras, and applications to T-duality[Abstract] Opens in new window.

14:40–15:00 Fika

15:00–16:00 Alan Sola
Stable polynomials and ideals of admissible numerators[Abstract] Opens in new window.

18:00–22:00 Conference dinner at Hatthyllan

Nya hattfabriken External link, opens in new window., Slottsgatan 8, Västerås.

English menu External link, opens in new window. Swedish menu External link, opens in new window.

Friday, November 8

Morning session and lunch.

10:00–11:00 Dag Nilsson
Model equations for water waves with an emphasis on full-dispersion models[Abstract] Opens in new window.

11:00–11:20 Fika

11:20–12:20 Per Enflo
Construction of Invariant Subspaces for Operators on Hilbert Space[Abstract] Opens in new window.

12:20–13:40 Lunch at Restaurang Rosenhill


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